
Saving lives around drunk people

During the summer of 1987, I had a girlfriend with three children, the oldest was 5 years old. If you thought about it enough, you could probably think of her name, but that’s not important. Being like most 5 year olds, he was quite active and it was amazing to spend time with him. I […]


Pandora – one of the best smartphone apps

Mobile phone applications are becoming more popular with the launch of each new smartphone. Make the organization of our lives more efficient, keeping us updated with the latest news and events; Apps, free or paid, are just another reason mobile phones have become such an important part of our world today. The new Pandora app, […]


5 important aspects of internet marketing

The Internet has boomed especially in the last decade. It has provided a wide range of opportunities for companies of all genres. Business owners have also realized the enormous potential of the online world which has made them reflect on various marketing strategies. Hiring an internet marketing company has become a common trend for most […]


Spare wheels are so awkwardly stored in modern cars!

Having been a British classic car enthusiast for many years (particularly fond of Jensen classic cars from the early sixties), I recently purchased a very advanced modern luxury car. My new car is packed with what amounts to amazing technology. But even with such expensive modern cars, I have found a poor design look. I […]