Lifestyle Fashion

Grounding your energy

After psychic protection, energy grounding it is probably the most important skill you can develop if you are interested in psychic or energy work.

What is grounding?

Grounding your energies it means bringing them back to a more physical and earthly vibration. This is an essential skill to learn for psychic development as you need to return to physical reality after working on other levels.

It will also come in handy if you ever feel a bit ‘out of the fairies’ and is a key skill in learning to control your abilities… and will help clear your head if you ever need to.

How do we do this grounding thing?

The visualization is the main element that you will use. If you’re not very good at seeing things in your own mind, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. If you’re really not very visual right now, simply bring the focus of your attention to the places or areas of your body mentioned, or feel a sensation in the area. It’s really the intent that will make this work rather than anything else, so don’t worry too much about getting it exactly right.

A very simple grounding exercise

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, allowing your arms to hang loosely at your sides.
  • Bend your knees slightly and let your weight sink into your feet.
  • Gently rock back and forth on your feet a few times to find your balance.
  • Bring all your attention to your feet and, in particular, to the base of the ball of your foot (about 1/3dr put your foot down between the big one and the 2n/a Toe).
  • Imagine that all your weight sinks to this point.
  • Visualize roots extending from this point deep into the soil.
  • Stand like this for a few moments, allowing your body to relax and breathe deeply.

If after this you still feel a bit spacey other things to help ground you your energies are:

  • Seal your feet, especially if you can do it barefoot and outdoors on real land.
  • Eat a small piece of chocolate, bread, cake or cookies (remember how Harry Potter recovered from the dementors’ attack? Chocolate is our friend!)
  • Hold a piece of one of the grounding crystals such as hematite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, or jet.

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