
Is Business Really A Team Sport?

To get you in the right mindset for this article, I ask you to visualize the following:

You’re sitting in the locker room before the biggest game of the season with the rest of your team (hockey, basketball, volleyball, you choose). The season has gone exceptionally well and you are preparing to face your opponent. The championship is at stake. As you are all dressing and mentally preparing for the game, your team’s star player boldly declares, “Thank you all for your contributions this season. You have all been a great help, but now that we are entering the final game, I can accept it. ” from here! “

You and your teammates look at each other in shame and ignore the statement and continue with your pre-game preparation. Confused, the daring player clearly announces: “Please everyone go home. I have been the heart and soul of this team since the beginning of the season and I intend to win the championship tonight on my own. Thank you all. for your help”. This season but now it’s my time to shine I was born to be a star! “

Although somewhat absurd, this mindset often permeates many entrepreneurial people and causes major team problems over the course of a year. As many of us have been taught, there is no “me” in the team, yet even many business managers do not seem to understand this concept on a daily basis. Business is a team sport and cannot be won by one individual. Motivation of the entire team is required to be successful.

Many companies are built on the entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit, but in reality they require team efforts to be truly successful. In sports, it is often obvious to everyone that despite the best player on the team, there are still roles filled by other team members, even if they are subordinate to the All-Star. Most successful businesses are built on a “team-based” approach and require that you, as an entrepreneur, understand that you are only as good as the other members of the team. Your ability as a star can only be achieved if you really understand how to motivate the other members of your team.

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