
Mutants: Genetic Gladiators Guide

Mutants: Genetic Gladiators is a cool breeding game that allows you to discover and breed different types of mutants using a specific gene.

Each mutant has its own strength and weaknesses depending on what genes it has.


There are mainly 6 types of genes that you can use, but only 3 will be available at the beginning. They are Saber, Necro, Cyber, Zoomorph, Galactic and Mythic. There is a chain effect that works like this:

Saber beats Necro and Mythic but is weak against Cyber ​​and Zoomorf.

Necro beats Cyber ​​and Galactic but is weak against Saber and Mythic.

Cyber ​​outclasses Saber and Zoomorph but is weak against Necro and Galactic.

Each mutant can have the same genes or be paired with another gene. You can then work out different strategies and figure out how to build your team.


You can breed all the different genes and get all kinds of different mutants from them. If you like undead looking creatures then Necro is the way to go for you. If you like human looking creatures, Saber should be your choice. Cyber ​​is mostly robots, giving you the futuristic mutant. Galactics are alien creatures, while Mythics are more “mythology” type mutants. You can breed them and get a mix of 2 genes.

The benefit of having 2 genes allows you to have 2 different genetic attacks, allowing you more flexibility when fighting in campaign and PvP. The double similar genes are good in the sense that you get an area of ​​effect (AoE) attack, which makes it useful for fighting up to 3 mutants at once.

It all comes down to the preference of what you like best. If you like AoE attacks then you will like the similar double gene mutants. If you enjoy a variety of attacks, then a mixed gene mutant will suit you better.

Whichever you choose, you have the flexibility to adjust your PvP and campaign gear to give yourself a better chance of defeating your enemies.

PvP tournament

Every 14 days, there will be a PvP tournament where you can participate and win fantastic prizes. The most lucrative prize you can win is the Gold Star. What that does is it allows you to breed a really strong mutant.

Bronze Star – Breed 2 level 10 mutants with this and you will get a bronze mutant version that is 10% stronger.

Silver Star – Breed 2 level 15 bronze mutants and get a silver version that is 30% stronger.

Gold Star – Gives you a 75% stronger mutant when you breed 2 level 20 silver mutants.

As you can see, your goal is to get the golden mutant and be the strongest of all!

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