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Telekinesis – Law of Attraction

Telekinesis has been considered for years as a fantasy or a myth and lately it has even been considered a scam on the Internet, for attention or publicity. Although, like any other faith or religion, it must be experienced in order to believe. It’s easy to point to something and call it false or illusion, simply because you don’t understand it, or you refuse to take a leap of “faith” in an unfamiliar area. Often times, the greatest consolation of people in these kinds of areas is science, but in itself it is a religion like others.

However, there is a clear difference between conventional religion and science. Where the finger pointing stands next to science believing that all the facts have been accumulated and presented, showing a severe lack of evidence for telekinesis or any similar phenomenon. This is where the line is drawn. Those who point the finger, follow science and science, never stop looking. A true scientist will recognize the possibility that somewhere, they might stumble upon evidence, even if what they have discovered so far suggests that telekinesis is not likely.

That is exactly what has happened. There is now evidence that telekinesis is not only plausible, it is probably an occurrence that occurs on a daily basis. Quantum physics has begun to take a look at the world, at a much deeper level. Even the same molecule, atom and even particle. You have discovered that everything in this world is energy. Everything. From the chair you sit in, the cup you drink from, and the same thoughts running through your mind as you read this. All of them are energy.

Along with this energy, each object you see has its own vibration. This vibration acts as information, separating something like paper from steel. Due to the clear difference in vibration, the two act differently. This also features thoughts. Your thoughts emit their own energy and vibration. The more you think, the more energy and vibrations you send out.

This information is rapidly becoming public and will soon be in the public domain. In the law of attraction, it suggests that things that are equal attract each other. And if you emit energy and vibrations with a thought, then in essence those thoughts will travel and attract other things that are similar to what you feel. This is where the Law of Attraction becomes very important.

Most people, when they think of something, tend to daydream. They dream of things that they do not have, but want. This sends out a vibration, and the information it contains says, “You want something, but you don’t have it.” Which gives you something back ‘You don’t have, but you want’. It’s an evil circle … Don’t feel bad, we all do. I daydream all the time with things that I don’t have or don’t want. But I’m learning to take that time that I think about and turn it into a visualization, and construct it in a way that will come back to me, well, constructively.

When you think about Telekinesis, you need to think about it in a positive and constructive way. For 2 reasons. 1 will help you to obtain satisfactory results. And 2, it will help program your subconscious to accept you more fully.

Remember to use the law of attraction everywhere. It is an important part of Telekinesis, if you pursue it.

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