Home Kitchen

Farmhouse Style Interior Design

Antique Indian chests lined with iron straps and brass medallions, chic farmhouse interiors update their style simply by using old wooden hope chests turned into functional coffee tables that have the added value of storage. Some are intricately detailed with elephants and horses telling stories from the Spice Route and others are painted with a […]

Home Kitchen

Victorian Dollhouse Design Steps

The first step in building your own Victorian dollhouse is to do your research. There are detailed books on the subject. You can read about how to value your building, how to build your furniture, and even kitchen design. There are books on the history and development of materials, design alternatives, and furniture and accessory […]

Home Kitchen

Accessories and their uses

The term accessory is related to many things, including clothing, such as a scarf, jewelry, glasses, etc., to the details that we place in our home or office to decorate. We can have accessories on our dining table, such as candles or flowers that decorate it, and we can get accessories for the car as […]