
The Best Gaming Laptop Buying Guide

Gamers should switch to a different purchasing perspective when shopping for the best gaming laptops. The process requires careful study and evaluation of some features that can make many differences in use and enjoyment. While there are many aspects of the laptop that still need to be reviewed before hitting the buy button, there are […]

Legal Law

How to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Code Exam

The International Code Council (ICC) The Structural Masonry Code Exam is a nationwide exam that is given to interested individuals who are in the building construction industry or not. Passing the exam increases the candidate’s chances of a successful career in the special inspection industry and also earns him a Certificate of Completion which is […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Estrogen Dominance Symptom List

Do you suffer from severe premenopausal, perimenopausal, or menopausal symptoms? Do you feel like you are riding a hormone roller coaster that is out of your control? You’re not alone. Now more than ever, women experience extreme hormonal imbalance during their premenopausal, perimenopausal, and menopausal years. Why is that? Due to a little known condition […]


A Whisper of Love – A Puppy Mill Rescue

Becky asked me if we would raise one of the dogs and I agreed. My husband Arthur took a trip to the dogs’ temporary shelter. She agreed that we would raise “Whisper”, a beautiful black and tan malamute, until a permanent home could be found for her. Very soon a strong bond began to form […]