Digital Marketing

4 Characteristics of Social Media Optimization vs SEO

There is a need in all human beings to feel connected to each other, to interact with others and to be able to relate to another person. The optimization of social networks feeds on that need. Social media is all about communication. It is about sharing perspectives, knowledge, experiences and opinions with each other through blogs, wikis, message boards and videos.

While SEO is still an effective means of gaining traffic, the web is no longer two-dimensional. It has evolved. It has become increasingly interactive, taking on a three-dimensional form. One that satisfies our visual and auditory senses, and allows web browsers more control over what they see, hear, and what’s “hot.” Search engines alone no longer determine what is popular. This is great for internet marketers in several ways.

Social media optimization, according to Wikipedia, is a way of optimizing websites so that they can more easily connect or intertwine with online communities and community websites, also called social networking sites. SMO methods include adding RSS feeds, adding a “DiggThis” button, and incorporating third-party community functionality like slideshows and Flicker photo galleries or YouTube videos. Social media optimization is a form of search engine marketing.

The four characteristics of social media optimization are:

Participation: Consumers are not afraid to participate in communities by generating content and engaging in conversations on topics that interest them. Webmasters who know this constantly encourage user participation on their own sites and blogs.

Conversation: Today’s consumers don’t want to be marketed to. Shameless ads aren’t as effective as they used to be. Instead, consumers want to communicate through conversations that take place on blogs, wikis, and forums. Consumers now have methods to express their thoughts, recommendations and complaints and they are doing so. Webmasters can now communicate with their target audience in real time and can take these concerns, recommendations to better serve their audience.

Openness – To build trust with their target audience in order to facilitate conversation, webmasters must first be open with them. They need to let them know who they are from the start. Pretending to be someone you are not is the surest way to lose trust. And because any good business is built on trust first, it’s crucial to be open and honest with your market.

Community: Conversation on social media doesn’t just come out of the blue. All forms of social networking are based on the fact that we all want to belong to something; they all have a community component. Social networking sites are micro-communities that allow people with similar interests to share information, advice, and recommendations about products and services. Before a webmaster can start monetizing, she must first become an accepted member of the community. That is why the first two characteristics are so important.

SMO can be a website savior. Many websites are “static”, which means that they are rarely updated and are used as a storefront. Setting up a blog or adding unique and edgy pieces to sites like Digg is a great way to increase links to your website. Encourage user engagement by facilitating conversation that happens virtually everywhere. By not participating you are silencing yourself. Make yourself heard heard. Consumers are already talking about products and services; help them draw their attention to yours.

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