Health Fitness

4 options/plans to lose weight

Every day, more than a million people are either dieting, recently, or considering some type of weight loss program. Unfortunately, for most, this process often becomes a yo-yo exercise, with lots of it, constantly gaining/losing weight, over and over again! There are many theories about the best approach, however the reality is probably that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to dieting and/or losing weight. There are people who are successful and others, with much less stellar results, using almost any of these, because it depends on the reasons, mentality, attitude, discipline, commitment and resistance of each one, among others. factors, which are relevant, to the success of the particular program, for an individual. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 4 options/plans for trying to lose weight.

1. Low/Reduced Calories: Perhaps the most common and conventional approach is to reduce calorie intake. The amount of reduction needed is often highly dependent on gender, starting body weight, general health, metabolism, etc. Also, while this approach is successful, for many, large numbers of people find it too challenging to commit to long-term. It also requires a commitment to counting calories, as well as often a major change in eating habits, diet, etc. Almost all foods have some calories, and when we go about our daily lives, we burn a certain amount of them. When you burn more calories than you take in, the result is often weight loss.

2. Low Carb / Keto: Low-carb diets were popularized in the 1970s by the late Dr. Robert Atkins. Legend has it that he came across the idea/approach by reading European (predominantly German) literature that extensively discusses the purported health benefits of this approach. Followers of this diet are instructed to eat often, drink plenty of water, and begin by almost completely eliminating carbohydrate intake for the first two weeks and then gradually slowly increasing food intake. , containing, these. Opponents of this approach often pointed to the health dangers, but Atkins countered this by stating that although he sends the body, ketosis, because we begin to burn fat, instead of carbohydrates, if enough fluids and proteins are taken, the risk is minimal. Some of his practitioners eventually transformed this approach into what they referred to as the ketogenic diet. The main components of this approach are eating healthy, ketogenic diet, which includes about 75% fat, 10-30% protein, and no more than 5% (20-50 grams) carbohydrates per day. One is supposed to focus on high-fat, low-carb foods like eggs, meats, dairy products, and low-carb vegetables, as well as sugar-free beverages. People are advised to restrict highly processed foods and unhealthy fats. Studies and surveys indicate that one of the main advantages of this approach is that many people find it easier to commit to it for a long period of time.

3. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially when done safely and carefully, is beneficial, both in terms of general health and well-being and weight loss. However, it is important to remember that when using this approach, fat is often replaced by muscle, so while the individual is overall healthier, it should not be judged by simply stepping on the scale.

Four. Diet and exercise: The combination of a healthy diet and adequate exercise is an effective and healthy approach and it works, when the individual has the commitment and stamina to continue, over a long period of time. The challenge is often difficult for many to stay engaged long enough to see maximum results!

Many of us would like to lose some weight, for many reasons. How to proceed is often up to the individual!

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