Digital Marketing

5 content marketing strategies for entrepreneurs

Although there are many types of content you can create to promote your business, you want to create content that will help you create effective promotions. You want to create content that goes viral. Viral marketing is the most effective way to market because it gives you credibility.

1. Items

Although article writing is not as effective as it once was, it is still a very effective way to market your business if you want to prove your expertise. The key to getting your article writing campaigns right is to do two things.

First, you want to do your keyword research and make sure you pick the right keywords. You don’t want to use keywords that no one is searching for. The second thing you need to do is post your articles on the most popular article sites. It is better to have a unique article on each of the top 50 sites than to have 50 articles on one site.


Document sites rank highly and give you the opportunity to share your knowledge with those who are looking for the products or services you have to offer. It’s another chance for you to brand yourself as an expert and also recycle your content. It’s much easier and quicker to format your article as a document than to write another article, and it also allows you to market on additional high-traffic websites.

3. Videos

With the right tools, it’s also possible to take your articles and recycle them into content that you can share in a different way. It also allows you to share your content on additional high-traffic sites in a format that your potential customers prefer to consume. The Internet is largely visual, and visual content allows you to better communicate your ideas.

4. Blog posts

There are actually two different ways you can use blog posts to promote yourself. The first is by using content curation to create blog posts that rank high in search engines. Be sure to do some keyword research to help you find the right content, and then write content that ranks well.

The second way to use blog posts is to make guest posts. Guest posting is where you find other blogs and submit posts you’ve written so you can promote your business. Use Google Blogs to help you find high-ranking blogs based on your topic.

5. Images/Graphics

There is a difference between images and graphics. An image usually has a quote and then the URL of your site. Offer an inspirational photo to emphasize the message. It’s simple and quickly creates a message that has the potential to go viral.

A graph is more complicated. It uses photos or images combined with text to communicate a process, and its purpose is to communicate information. An example of this would be a presentation of a sales process such as a sales funnel. There are sites where you can post your images for maximum effect, while there are other sites where you can post your graphics to demonstrate your expertise.

The easiest way to take full advantage of these techniques is to recycle your content. Focus on your experience and then use these techniques to communicate that experience.

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