
7 ways to cut spending without feeling deprived

Most of us equate cutting back on spending with depriving ourselves of fun things and activities we enjoy. But what if I tell you that with just a few tweaks here and there, we can cover the essentials and still have enough left over for the things that really make life worth living?

ONE: Cook most of your meals at home.

Stocking up on cooking ingredients will not only allow you to reduce your expenses, but you can also reduce your portions and control the amount of oil, fat, sugar and salt used in each dish.

Challenge yourself to master new recipes and allow one special meal a week. Serve your family homemade pancakes and hot chocolate with skim milk for breakfast. Grill fish, chicken portions or lean cuts of beef and enjoy them with fresh salads.

TWO: Build your wardrobe with classic pieces.

In addition to food, a large part of our budget goes to clothing. Here’s a good rule of thumb to follow: Invest in a few wardrobe essentials by spending more on durable pieces, like jeans, slacks, a pencil skirt if you’re a woman, and a blazer or jacket.

If you think a certain item will continue to be a fad or trend, like a bohemian blouse or graphic tee, simply shop for it at thrift stores or bazaars.

THREE: Learn the art of being a sparkling host.

Going out to a bar or nightclub, to the movies, or dining on fancy meals can add up to big expenses over time. Why not come up with creative but frugal activities if you want to mingle with your friends?

Binge Netflix at home with microwaveable popcorn. Google face mask recipes and turn girls’ night into an at-home spa. You can also liven up a dull Saturday afternoon by playing some of the latest board games.

OVEN: Take up an inexpensive hobby.

Instead of resorting to retail therapy or binge eating to deal with stress, boredom, or negative emotions, find a hobby that’s not only cheap, but also requires active participation. Journaling can be relaxing and therapeutic. If you like a challenge, a couple of booklets with Sudoku or crossword puzzles don’t cost much. You can try calligraphy using markers or unleash your inner artist by drawing with a graphite pencil.

FIVE: When it comes to gifts, consider an act of service rather than store-bought items.

This will really make you think about your recipient’s interests and preferences. Get out some colored paper, a pair of scissors, and a marker and create a booklet with about 10-12 coupons, each with an act of service that your recipient can “redeem.”

Here are several examples:

  • This coupon entitles you to a 20-minute foot massage.
  • I’ll buy you your favorite ice cream.
  • I’ll make you a pot of chicken soup for your afternoon meal.
  • I’ll be doing the dishes this weekend to allow you some uninterrupted reading time.

SIX: Look for activities within your area that are free or only charge a minimal admission fee.

Look out for a free concert in the park, a performance by a string quartet or pianist in an auditorium, a poetry reading at your public library, a craft fair or art exhibit during a free admission day at a museum.

SEVEN: Get fit for less.

Get together with some of your friends and join a hiking group, ride a bike, or throw a frisbee in the park. You can also walk your dog or your neighbor’s dog.

If you’re more of an introvert and value your alone time, you could take a walk after dinner, do a 30-minute workout while listening to music, or work up a sweat doing some gardening.

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