Health Fitness

A simple plan to lose weight

The one thing trainers stress to their clients is not to get sucked into the “marketing hype” of quick weight loss plans and the multi-billion dollar weight loss pill industry. Losing weight is not difficult, but rather simple when approached with common sense. It doesn’t require hypnosis or extreme calorie restriction diets or fasting and you don’t have to count every calorie you eat. To lose weight, you have to eat well, sleep and move.

Eating well means increasing your intake of carbohydrates from the land (fruits and vegetables), eating lean protein (chicken, fish, or turkey), decreasing your intake of processed carbohydrates, sodium, and sugar. It is important that you follow a consistent and regular feeding routine. Do not skip meals or go long periods without eating. Skipping meals can slow down your body’s metabolic rate, making it difficult to lose weight. To maintain a regular eating routine, you need to plan your meals. Take the time to plan your meals several days in advance, and then create a shopping list. This may take longer, but your body and wallet will thank you.

Getting enough rest is just as important as eating right. Adequate sleep regulates increased levels of hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which in turn increase feelings of hunger. You should try to sleep at least 8 hours a night.

Finally to lose weight, you have to move. You don’t just have to move, you have to do it with the right intensity. Everyone should participate in moderate intensity exercise. Moderate intensity should increase your heart rate and breathing to a point where conversation becomes more difficult. You must be able to speak a few words, but not be able to continue a conversation. Also, if you find yourself daydreaming, reading a magazine, or watching TV, you’re not exercising at the right intensity. Consider hiring a personal trainer to find a cardio workout that will keep you motivated and help you lose weight. Five days of exercise for one hour are recommended. He lifts weights two of those five days. Resistance training increased lean muscle mass, which helped you burn more calories throughout the day.

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