
Attract lasting love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day brings out the romance in most of us. At the very least, it’s a day when we WOULD LIKE to bring out the romance in us. In a relationship or not, when you think of Valentine’s Day, don’t you remember those silly little cupid cards we sent to our classmates in grade school or the cards we made in class for our moms?

Other references and reminders we have about Valentine’s Day and what it means to be in a relationship or not can leave us feeling good or bad, depending on our relationship status. Unfortunately, most of how we feel, regardless of our relationship status, is affected by conditioned thinking that has been ‘out there’ in mass consciousness.

Don’t listen to what they’re saying. Don’t listen if it doesn’t encourage and empower you. You are excellent just the way you are.

If you want a relationship and you don’t have one, wonderful! You can clarify what you want. You are now in a great place to start attracting a relationship from a new starting point.

If you’re in a relationship and you’re not too happy with the way things are going, that’s okay. Now you can have more clarity about what you DO want in a love relationship, according to the contrast you are currently experiencing.

Valentine’s Day, whether you’re in a relationship or not, can be a day when you celebrate the romance to come! However, you need to be proactive about it. You are the one who can say and have creative control of what you want in your relationship.

This is where many of us fail at work. We are waiting for circumstances to change out there. We are waiting for him to take over. We’re hoping that if we drop enough clues, he’ll step up and spring into action. WRONG. Do not do that. That is allowing yourself to be the effect, rather than the cause, of your life. You have to say. All you need to do is make a kind request, to your existing loved one or to the Universe. You will then need to move out of the way. You must let go of the how, what, and then the when of your request. Outcome attachment is basically like resisting what you want. You can’t say “Come in” with your hand pushing the door closed and expecting her to come in. Perhaps that is easier said than done. But that’s why life coaching exists for those of us who need to get clarity on why we’re not getting what we want and then help us align with what we’re doing so it can manifest.

It boils down to three steps. Ask, Align and Allow. Simple, right? It’s not always easy. Ask yourself “What might be available to me in a loving, aligned, co-creative partnership”? “What would be possible for me in my life if I had a mutual love relationship”? dream big! Now begin to play with the energy of what your life would look and feel like if you were enjoying it now. Use your imagination. Do you remember what you did so naturally when you were a child?

I am always deeply moved when I think of all the amazing miracles I have attracted by manifesting my beloved husband. Just over 4 years ago, I was one of those people who had more unhappy endings in their relationships than I care to admit. So, I took this attraction thing seriously. I did the game/work. I removed my barriers to love, aligned myself and quickly attracted the love of my dreams.

This Valentine’s Day, this year, I hope you are as blessed as I am in the relationship. I know you deserved it. By the way, the relationship is an ongoing co-creation. And so is life. I wish you a happy life, a happy love and a happy creation.

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