Health Fitness

Balancing your chakras to heal emotional eating

Chakra Energy Balancing, when combined with hypnosis, can help a person lose weight and feed the “Hungry Heart” of emotional eating. I have noticed that many overweight people are “losing” energy in what I have called the “Hunger Chakra” located in the “basin” of the lower stomach, also known as the Sacral Chakra area. If you are challenged with the frustrations of being overweight and yo-yo dieting, ask yourself these questions:

• Are you always hungry?

• Have you tried everything to lose weight?

• Have you wasted enough of your valuable time, energy and money on this weight loss problem?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to dig deeper into the layers of the weight loss puzzle to find a missing piece… Chakra Balancing.

Knowledge of the Chakras is ancient and new scientific research gives credence to this theory. The ancient Hindus specified that we have 7 sacred energy centers running from the base of the spine to the top of the head, corresponding to certain functions of bodily organs, psychological functions, emotional and spiritual centers. Your interconnected balance plays an important role in all aspects of your life and well-being. According to recent scientific studies, each Chakra location corresponds to a major group of nerves starting at the base of the spine and ending in the cerebral cortex of the brain. If any Chakra is blocked or out of balance due to fear, stress, negative programming, or inactivity, then your overall well-being is affected. You may even feel a deficiency or imbalance in that area if you feel constricted or hot/cold or feel stress or pain in that area.

Your Sacral Chakra is located in the sacral region of your body, approximately two inches down from your belly button to your pelvic area. The Sacral Chakra is the “seat” or source of our instinctual cravings, desires, and habitual responses, and is intimately connected to emotional eating. Desires, impulses and longings govern the Sacral Chakra. They are for food, sex, relationships, and procreation. This is also where the instinctive “Hungry Beast” resides, the part of your subconscious mind that just wants to be gratified and fed all the time. So how do you calm the “Hungry Beast” whose voracious appetite constantly demands to be fed? To “tame” the Hungry Beast, there are learned bad habits, learned behaviors, and an unhealthy lifestyle to address; as well as the subject of emotional eating used to medicate, calm or repress emotions. Digging even deeper, there is the Spiritual Hunger that longs to be fed to fill the “hole in the soul” that no food can ever fill!

Mind and will power exerted to “defeat” the Hungry Beast through crash diets and deprivation, do not work in the long run. It is human nature to desire what we are deprived of: to prepare ourselves for a binge. Your body is wired to look for energy when you starve. However, to satisfy that Spiritual Hunger, your Heart Chakra, located in the center of your chest, is the great healer, transformer and balancer of all the Chakras. Only through the wisdom of your Heart Chakra, working in concert with your “Hungry” Sacral Chakra, the need to achieve Balance can help tame the Hungry Beast.

Listen with your Heart Chakra! Treat your body like your best friend, with respect, care, and compassion. Listen to your body’s needs and the messages it sends you. Ask your body: What do you need? What kinds of foods do you need to eat well to feel good? Are you really hungry, or do you need to be nurtured and comforted by love and kindness, reach out to a loved one, or extend love or a helping hand to another? Do you need to move and stretch your body? Need to take a deep, delicious breath? Or are you starving for a little “me” time? A very simple exercise to Balance your Hungry Sacral Chakra is to connect with the healing and transformative energy of the Sacred Heart Chakra. The technique is as follows:

Rub your hands together first and place one hand on the sacral area about two inches below your belly button and the other hand over your heart. You can easily “connect” to your chakras through your vital breath…simply follow the flow of the breath moving in and out as you release, relax and let it into your body while imagining your breath as the flow of the waves of the sea Imagine the gentle flow of a radiant breath of light entering and leaving the center of your heart. Feel, feel or imagine that there is an eternal flame of light in the center of your heart: the light of your soul. Feel this inner light become brighter and more radiant, opening up and filling all the dark spaces and places within you and illuminating your life with love, forgiveness, peace and understanding. You can even allow your light of love to grow brighter by remembering a loved one, a baby’s smile, the laughter of children playing, a treasured pet, a beautiful sunset or a scene in nature that you loved! takes your breath away!… Stay here.

Now imagine a spiraling cord of light connecting from your heart chakra to your sacral chakra and the cord of light spiraling up from your sacral chakra and another spiraling down from your heart chakra intertwining like a double helix of light spiral. The balancing color of your Sacral Chakra is orange. As you inhale and exhale, imagine a ball of golden-orange light warming your belly area and filling it with light. Allow your brilliant orange glow to shine brighter and brighter. Feel the light filling the empty spaces and places inside your belly with the warmth and glow of the sun.

Imagine this area as an open vessel, a bowl of light opening up and receiving this good positive energy and revitalizing, recharging and filling. Take everything you need and feel good about yourself. Now turn your hands first clockwise and then counter-clockwise 7x to balance and anchor this energy within your body. Next, check in with your body and ask what it really needs… Listen to your body. Now repeat the following affirmations out loud:

I am connected to my Divine/Source energy

I am loving and compassionate

I appreciate my body and treat it with respect.

drawing in vitality

I honor my body and its needs.

I feel my emotions and I am connected to my wellness center,

I honor my emotions as they are my inner guide.

I approach the world in healthy ways

I nurture healthy relationships

I set healthy boundaries.

I have a healthy relationship with my body and with food.

I’m thankful.

I honor and appreciate the energies of these chakras in my life. I am connected to the Divine Source/energy.

I radiate good health and well-being.

Thank you thank you thank you.

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