
Beer and your business?

About 100 years ago, Schlitz Beer ranked fifth among American brewing companies. They were resourceful enough to hire a man named Claude Hopkins to create a new ad campaign. Hopkins attended brewing classes and toured the Schlitz Brewery in Milwaukee. He saw locked glass rooms with filtered air where beer dripped onto pipes. All pumps and pipes were cleaned twice a day. Each bottle was machine cleaned no less than 4 times.

Schlitz also had a 4,000-foot-deep artesian well to access pure water, even though his brewery was located on Lake Michigan. Hopkins toured the laboratory where the original mother yeast was grown and developed with no less than 1,200 experiments to give Schlitz beer its distinctive flavor.

After this tour, he went back to the headquarters and asked why they didn’t tell people about their purity, “Why don’t you tell people those things? Why are you just trying to cry louder than others than your beer is pure? Don’t you say the reasons? “

His answer was that all the other brewers did the same, so they thought they were no different. While the other brewers may have been doing the same, no one else was narration history to sell.

Hopkins then went on to design advertisements that simply told the story of how his beer was made. After the ads ran for a few months, Schlitz went from fifth place to first place. This was a huge win in a great industry and it is no small thing when people are very loyal to their preferences and habits.

Quoting Hopkins “I told a story common to all good brewers, but a story that has never been told. gave meaning to purity. “

How does this relate to the advertisements and / or claims you make about your business? Any claim or statement must include details and be very specific: infused with meaning. Generalities fall from humans like water on a duck. Abstract statements mean nothing, and people are exhausted by big general statements.

Regardless of the company you are associated with, use concrete and specific language. Lose 12 pounds in the next 14 days. Eliminate 3-10 strokes from your golf score in 45 minutes. Generate 50 leads in the next 7 days. This is much more specific than saying “How to get a lot of leads for your business.”

Do you see how a strategy is needed? Learn the skill of writing words that will resonate with your audience and get them to take action.

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