
Breastfeeding with insufficient glandular tissue

It can be disappointing for some, and devastating for others, when breastfeeding doesn’t go as planned. In seeking to better support and educate new mothers, many breastfeeding advocates understandably focus on the goal of success, especially with a healthy baby who appears to be breastfeeding well. After all, most of the obstacles to breastfeeding are temporary and short For a small minority of women, however, there are obstacles that no amount of time or effort can overcome.

Insufficient glandular tissue, or IGT, is a rarely discussed condition in which a mother has underdeveloped glands that are therefore less capable of producing milk. While many women with this condition also have small breasts, it’s important to note that breast size itself is not an indication of IGT, and most women with small breasts produce enough milk. Rather, IGT is most noticeable by breast hypoplasia (asymmetry or underdevelopment that can be evaluated by a doctor), and many women diagnosed with IGT later report little or no change in the breasts during pregnancy and lactation. The photographic record documenting breast hypoplasia often shows visually obvious underdevelopment in one or both breasts, but variations in breast shape can vary dramatically from woman to woman, and the condition is not always visually obvious.

The good news is that most women with IGT can successfully breastfeed, although in most cases, supplementation is required. Some women experience only a delay in lactation and, with sufficient stimulation and temporary supplementation, can then switch to exclusively breastfeeding. In some extremely rare cases, a mother must use formula exclusively.

Here are some tips if you suspect you might have IGT:

Oh If you are still pregnant, prepare yourself emotionally and let your doctor know about your concerns. One of the biggest difficulties for women with IGT is the disappointment experienced during the rush of postpartum emotions. Many women experience feelings of anger, guilt, or inadequacy, especially with the lack of information about IGT. The more you can prepare, the better off you will be.

Oh If your baby has already been born, don’t panic. Remember that most problems with breastfeeding, even those related to poor weight gain, are solvable and are not, in fact, IGT. Contact a lactation consultant to discuss the possibilities and get advice on how to maximize your milk production potential.

Oh Keep a detailed feeding and diaper record. This information will be valuable to you and your child’s caregivers in assessing when and if supplements are needed.

Oh Always stay in touch with your child’s pediatrician.

Oh Discuss your concerns about the possibility of IGT with your OB-GYN and/or lactation consultant. Many women who are diagnosed with IGT report that no one talked to them about it before delivery.

Oh If he advised supplementing with formula, do so with confidence. While formula is second best to breast milk, it’s a nutritious alternative that babies not only survive on, but thrive on.

Oh Most babies can adjust to both breast and bottle feeding, especially after the first few weeks. If you’re concerned about nipple confusion in a newborn, there are many ways to supplement besides the bottle, including a dropper or SNS (supplemental lactation system).

Oh If you want to continue breastfeeding, always remember to breastfeed first and thoroughly before giving your baby a supplemental bottle. Some doctors may also recommend using a hospital-grade electric pump to express milk after each feeding to ensure that the breasts have drained completely. As long as your nursing sessions are as frequent and thorough as a woman without IGT, you will maximize her milk supply.

Finally, if you have IGT, keep calm and move on. Regardless of what she decides, it is important for a mother to feel confident and positive about her circumstances and her feeding choices. Many mothers with IGT go on to have successful and satisfying breastfeeding relationships. However, breastfeeding with IGT has its own challenges, as she may not enjoy all the benefits of breastfeeding. gold bottle feeding, and there may be a variety of physical and emotional burdens that only you can assess. If you find supplementation too impractical for your circumstances and choose to exclusively bottle feed, do so without feeling inadequate or guilty. As a complete woman and a complete family with various circumstances and needs, only you can decide on a practical feeding plan for your baby that not only nourishes her child, but creates a calm, balanced and content family situation. Your baby’s greatest need is not just breast milk, it is you.

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