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Business Development Consultant Author/Speaker, Thom Singer, Energizes Audiences

Thom Singer is an expert in social media and personal branding. He has worked in sales and marketing positions at several Fortune 100 companies and regularly speaks before corporate audiences, law firms, and professional organizations.

According to Thom Singer, a renowned professional public speaker and author of seven books, “it sets the tone when I speak to the public about the power of business relationships.” Thom Singer has a program for multi-day industry conferences called “The Conference Networking Catalyst.”

Mr. Singer understands that one of the main reasons people attend industry events is for “networking opportunities,” but once they arrive, they fail to make meaningful connections. They sit with coworkers or spend too much time on their iPhones. They avoid talking to others, and yet the other people present are exactly the people who could bring them opportunities in the future. In addition to the keynote, Thom Singer states that “I also stay involved in the conference by giving little bullet points of advice before breaks and meals…encouraging people to really pay attention to themselves.”

“The Conference Networking Catalyst” is becoming a “meeting planners’ favorite” because when attendees make better connections with others, they enjoy the conference more…and are therefore more likely to come back on next year. This is one of the reasons why “The Conference Networking Catalyst” concept is effective.

As a true professional, Singer understands that “audiences matter. They are the reason for the meeting, not the speakers.” Singer acknowledges that “I like to inspire and help encourage people.”

Thom Singer’s “Integrated Visibility” program (combining marketing, sales, business development, advertising, public relations, networking, social media, and personal branding) is successful for any group or individual who doesn’t want to ignore the power of business relationships. .

Singer is also a co-founder of New Year Publishing, a fast-growing company that helps top executives, entrepreneurs, and professional speakers expand their audience and get their messages across to an even larger number of potential customers through books and other products.

Thom Singer knows that a trait of a good speaker is not only informing listeners but also changing their emotions in the process of speaking. Singer differs from most speakers in how he categorizes various components that may involve mass communication, customer service, business, large group communication, personal development, leadership, and motivational speaking. Singer does them all.

Public speaking is the way we speak to a group of people in a structured way. The mode is intended to inform, entertain, or influence listeners. There are five essential elements in any public speaking communication (who, what, to whom, medium and effects). Mr. Singer simply tells a story to people to motivate them to act simply by passing on information. As a speaker, Thom Singer captivates the audience with the speech delivered.

The exercise of speaking in public fundamentally includes the art of public speaking, connecting with the public, inducing gestures and humor, improving vocabulary, and controlling and modulating the voice. Through the years of experience, Thom Singer has achieved great things in this field and has touched the lives of many people around the world.

Mr. Singer understands that to achieve greater success it is necessary to put the pieces together. Networking, marketing, public relations, sales, advertising, business development, presentation skills, and social media all come together to create his personal and professional brand.

Thom Singer’s unique and engaging style adapts to the specific dynamics of each audience, and his sense of continuity keeps the event flowing smoothly.

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