
The worst mistake you can make when buying a business

Well, you’ve spent several months looking for a business to buy. You have your financing ready. The numbers look great. Everything seems profitable, and everything is perfect. Except for one thing. And that is…unless you’ve bought a business with a system in place that literally “works itself”, whether you show up every day or not, […]


Wellington: New Zealand’s epicenter of sport

Called the “coolest little capital in the world” by Lonely Planet, Wellington offers plenty of options for adventure and outdoor sports lovers. Like the rest of New Zealand, Wellington in the North Island also boasts natural riches, be it the East Bay or the Makara Peak trail. However, it is sports fans who find the […]


The ABC of Navigation in Palma de Mallorca

Setting sail from Palma de Mallorca – How to get there? Among other reasons, chartering a yacht in Mallorca is incredibly popular due to the easy accessibility of its international airport from major European destinations. There are hundreds of daily flights during the summer, making it a true hub for experienced sailors and boaters from […]


Biking on the roads of Lagos

In the past, in addition to the use of animals such as donkeys, camels, and horses for transportation and/or facilitating the carriage, some wealthy people used bicycles to move from one point to another. There may be one or two people who have the resources to buy a bicycle at that time in a town. […]