
The pleasures and dangers of fitting in with the latest trends and being fashionable

In a world full of outside influences, it’s sometimes easy to forget our own interests and values ​​and buy items that help us fit in or look good. Between magazine ads, movies, friends, family, and others, we browse and then buy popular items like clothing or cars. Advertising agencies work hard to produce compelling ads that draw us in and make us buy. That’s all well and good, but it’s easy to get carried away with wanting to “keep up with the Joneses.” Always trying to be in the “in” crowd is stressful and unrealistic as there are always people with more money, better looks and possessions. By being true to who we are, we keep our wants and needs within safe spending limits, wear appropriate clothing, and maintain our own individualities.


It is important to wear clothing that complements our body type. Many fashion models on the runway are tall and thin, so the clothing styles they wear may not be appropriate for someone who is short and with a stockier build. When my friends and I used to go clubbing on the weekends in the eighties, we would see a variety of other women who would crush their bodies in outfits that were too small or unflattering for their body type. Sometimes we’d hear comments like “Someone’s got to call the Fashion Police” which was good for a laugh or two. Therefore, we make sure to choose our outfits carefully, not wanting to be the next target of criticism. Just because an outfit looks attractive on a mannequin or model doesn’t necessarily mean it will look good on everyone. Being realistic about what’s right for us prevents us from making tragic and potentially humiliating fashion mistakes. Now that I’m older and wiser, my concern isn’t what others think of my appearance. My focus now is on how satisfied I am with my own clothing choices. Through time and experience, life has taught me to dress more conservatively. The bold styles of yesteryear are replaced with comfortable, tasteful outfits that suit my lifestyle and complexion.


Every generation has them. Some new product comes out and everyone has to have it. It doesn’t matter if the article is useless or absurd. A need is cultivated and then it becomes the rage to have it. For example, Pet Rock, Rubik’s Cube, and Wacky Wall Walker were some that were big fads long ago. Whoever successfully marketed Pet Rock really earned my respect. After all, rocks are something any of us can go out and get on our own for free. Any parking lot, garden, or landscape has an endless supply of them. Getting the public to buy something like that is remarkable. Marketers work to reach the public with these articles and convince everyone of how good they are. Do you remember the fake flower in a pot that “danced” to the music? Buying any of these things is not a requirement for a happy life, but it is fun to show your friends at work that you now have the latest trend. Gag giveaways like Chia Heads (a ceramic head with seeds sprinkled onto that sprouting “hair”) are given out at offices and parties to get laughs. This is a humorous way to be “cool” and fit in, to have the latest fashion, but its popularity will wane over time, so don’t bother getting one unless you like it after the public interest wears off.


Who doesn’t want a good car? Each of us has his own criteria for what is the best car. Everything is based on our values; Do we need it to be practical or fun? Do we care how attractive it is or do we want something that is not too flashy? There are car shapes and styles for everyone. What we want and what we can afford can be two radically different things. It’s a good idea to be realistic when buying a car, to make sure it’s within our means. What’s nice and affordable can still be a problem down the line, so it pays to keep an eye on the history of the style of car you buy. I bought a nice little sports car when I was young. It was beautiful and striking, and had a dashboard that looked like an airplane console. It was for the year in a magazine, so I bought it on the spur of the moment. Within a year it was a mechanic’s nightmare. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The turbo engine blew, the heat from the engine melted the back of the dash, and then I heard from other owners of the car that there was a class action lawsuit by disgruntled buyers regarding the car. I sold the car to my mechanic and refused to buy anything with a turbo engine from a foreign automaker, again. Since then, my car choices have improved, and practicality is more important than glitz. The car I currently have has been so reliable; I have kept it for many years. Who cares what other people think, he’s been good to me and it paid off long ago. Making wise car decisions has made my life so much less stressful.

There are many other examples of items we want, such as houses, boats, and others. Regardless of what we want, it is worth considering what the best options would be, given our income and individual needs. It’s always good to fit in and look good with others, but it only works if we’re not drowning in debt, overstressed by bills, or afraid to drive that expensive car because we don’t want to dirty it. . Being practical and true to ourselves is the answer. Take a hard look at what matters most to you and make sure that whatever it is, it fits into your budget. It’s easy to get caught up in the glitzy world of advertising and want the dress in the magazine. Will you really wear it or is it too fancy for everyday use? If you are not going to formal parties, it is not advisable to buy a party dress. My way of dealing with the items I really want is to take at least one day to think about it and not make impulse purchases. If you still want it after taking some time off and can afford to buy it, then it’s yours to buy. Being happy with yourself and with your life is more important than fitting in with others. The only person you need approval from is yourself.

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