
Using social media for online marketing

There are many very effective search engine optimization strategies and tools out there and most of them, when used correctly, will generate the desired amount of website traffic, especially if used in combination. One of the best sources of massive website traffic that you can employ is social networking site or social media because firstly […]


Barriers to 5S – How to implement this program in your organization

The 5S program was designed in Japan to achieve a high degree of cleanliness and standardization on factory floors. This program gets its name from five Japanese words; Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Set), Seiso (Brightness), Seiketsu (Standardize), and Shitsuke (Hold). When implemented, this program has the ability to make the workplace safer and more efficient, thereby […]


Vantaggi dei motori elettrici di media tensione

motori elettrici di media tensione Il mercato dei motori elettrici di media tensione (MT) è in espansione, soprattutto perché molti stabilimenti industriali aggiornano i propri sistemi di produzione. A differenza dei motori a bassa tensione (BT), che hanno una potenza nominale massima, i motori MV possono essere utilizzati per livelli di uscita più elevati e […]


Exploitation and data protection

Many IT and BI professionals are not satisfied with interoperability and the efforts of storage vendors and providers. Vendors have made it clear that they are interested in encryption standards rather than cost and integration challenges. The expansion of encryption is good, but it is not the only or definitive solution. A critical application, at […]