Legal Law

$100,000 Jobs Website

A $100,000 jobs website is the best source for getting jobs in that category. You might also be in for a few surprises, as jobs that pay 100K aren’t always typically mainstream jobs you’ve always known. There may be many unusual jobs that you have never stopped to think about, but if they are presented […]

Legal Law

How much will a claim cost?

One of the most common questions I get is how much will it cost to file a claim? In addition to being one of the most popular questions, it’s also one of the most difficult to answer, along with “how long will my claim take?” The cost of your claim can depend on many different […]

Legal Law

wean your baby

You’ve probably been told a million times by health professionals that exclusive breastfeeding for up to six months is absolutely essential. You probably have done it very religiously even in the middle of the night. If she chose not to or was unable to, she was possibly reminding herself to sterilize the bottle and keep […]

Legal Law

Pokémon and Legal Implications

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game that incorporates virtual creatures into physical space. Thus, virtual and physical space coexist as virtual Pokémon creatures can appear anywhere, even in your neighbor’s yard. The object of the game is to find and catch them. The intersection of virtual and physical space prompted legal professionals to begin […]