
Sports Betting – Money Lines Betting

Sports betting can be an extremely exciting and rewarding adventure if you apply it correctly and minimize the chances of losing your bets. While point bets deal with which team will win and by how many points or scores, money line bets are exclusively concerned with which team will win a specific game or event. […]


The 5 golden rules of using hypnosis

Some rules you come across are golden, to be cherished forever and never forgotten. These are useful and important trail markers to guide us and allow us to always stay on the right track. The golden rules exist to show you how, how to be followed, how to get used to… It doesn’t matter what […]


Simplified nutrition for a better body

I have no doubt that you have been inundated with information on how to eat to improve your physique and/or performance. There are enough nutrition books at your local bookstore to tie up every single one of your brain neurons for months. At least for the purposes of this article, I’m going to spare you […]


Black Truffle Cleaning and Recipes

Black truffle cleaning When you have fresh black winter truffles, don’t clean them until you’re ready to eat them. Otherwise, they will go bad faster. Remove any soil from the black truffles just before using them in any recipe. They should be washed with water and a nail brush under running water. The truffles must […]