
Simplified nutrition for a better body

I have no doubt that you have been inundated with information on how to eat to improve your physique and/or performance. There are enough nutrition books at your local bookstore to tie up every single one of your brain neurons for months. At least for the purposes of this article, I’m going to spare you the intricacies of nutrition, like the latest information on Glut-4 transporter translocation, and just give you Cliff’s Generic Notes (or Dr. Clay’s Notes). on how to put together meals and eat. plans that will help you achieve your physical and/or performance goals.


It is fairly well accepted that a protein intake of around 1.5 grams per pound of body weight is sufficient to support muscle protein synthesis. (For the record, you could bump that up to 2 grams per pound or as low as 1 gram per pound of body weight. Personally, I only stick with 1.5 g/lb.) Though you certainly could opt to eat seven to ten smaller meals. . , most people find that six meals a day are much more feasible. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say you weigh 200 pounds. This would get you eating 300 grams of protein per day. Divide into six meals and you have 50 grams per meal. Pretty easy, right?

So what exactly can you eat to get 50 grams of protein? It’s funny that you should ask. Below is a list of food options that have approximately 50 grams of muscle-building protein. These should be considered your “basic” protein sources.

50 grams of Protein

Chicken breast: 6 ounces (170 grams) – baked or broiled / 8 ounces (225 grams) – raw

Lean (95%) beef: 7 ounces (200 grams) – well cooked / 8 ounces (225 grams) – raw

Fish: 8 ounces (225 grams) – baked or broiled / 10 ounces (280 grams) – raw

Turkey breast: 6 ounces (170 grams) – roasted / 7 ounces (200 grams) – raw

Egg whites: 2 cups – raw

Cottage Cheese: 15 ounces (425 grams) – (also contains around 20 grams of carbs)

So, simply place one of the above servings (conveniently provided in ounces and grams) on your plate and you will have satisfied your protein requirements for that meal. Of course, you could also use a protein powder supplement. Since most types contain around 20 grams of protein per scoop, 2 ½ scoops will usually provide your 50-gram protein dose. Check the product label for the exact serving size.


Knowing exactly how many grams of carbohydrate to consume is a bit more complicated and variable than protein intake. For one, eat too many carbs and they will have a lipogenic (fat-forming) effect. On the other hand, eat too few carbs and you’ll end up weak, flat, with no pump, and little to no vascularity. Also, chronically consuming the wrong carbs will, if you’re lucky, keep you from getting bigger; it will most likely end up shrinking.

With that being said, let me give you some guidelines for carb intake. I’ll be the first to admit that these guidelines aren’t based on some fancy study done at one of the best universities. Instead, they are based on my personal experience gained from doing it myself and helping others for over a dozen years.

If your main goal is to gain muscle mass, aim for two to two and a half grams per pound of body weight. Therefore, our hypothetical 200-pound male would consume around 400 to 500 grams of carbohydrates per day. In order to slowly lose body fat while maintaining or slowly gaining muscle mass, one to one and a half grams per pound of body weight should hit the spot. Again, that’s 200-300 grams for those of you who didn’t major in math. Lastly, if losing weight super fast is at the top of your to-do list, our 200-pound man should be aiming for 100 grams of carbs per day, about ½ gram of carbs per pound of body weight.

Another point worth mentioning regarding carbohydrate intake is timing. Both experience in the trenches and university studies agree that most of your daily carbohydrate intake should be eaten first thing in the morning and after training. Essentially, the nutrients consumed in the few hours after weight training dictate whether or not one recovers (and/or to what extent). However, some research has shown that we tend to metabolize carbohydrates better in the early part of the day than in the latter part. This is fine if you train in the morning. If you can’t train until the evening, you would continue to consume your pre-workout drink(s) and at least one post-workout carbohydrate-containing meal. Unless you have a really dumb workout, I assure you your starving muscles will ‘soak up’ those carbs. (For the record, I ‘split the difference’ by training around noon or 1 pm, as I’m far from a ‘morning person.’)

As with the protein above, I’ve provided basic carbohydrate sources and serving sizes below that yield 50 grams of carbohydrate. Feel free to mix and match these carbohydrate sources. For example, you probably want to have (both for physiological and taste reasons) a mix of rice and beans instead of one or the other. (Especially since 12 ounces of beans wouldn’t be fun to be around, if you know what I mean.) Try 4 ¼ (120 grams) of cooked rice and 4 ¾ ounces (135 grams) of cooked beans to satisfy your 50-gram carbohydrate requirement.

50g of Carbohydrates

Potatoes (white): 8 ounces (225 grams) – baked / 11 ounces (310 grams) – raw

Sweet potatoes: 8 ounces (225 grams) – baked / 10 ounces (300 grams) – raw

Pasta: 2.5 ounces (70 grams) – raw / 7 ounces (200 grams) – cooked in water

Oats: 3 ounces (81 grams) – raw / 18.5 ounces (520 grams) – cooked in water

Bread – usually about 4 slices

Beans: 12 ounces (340 grams) – cooked

Rice: 2 ¼ ounces (65 grams) – raw / 7 ounces (200 grams) – cooked


A ‘serving’ or piece of fruit typically contains between 20 and 25 grams of carbohydrate. Due to the potential lipogenic effect of excess fructose (fruit sugar), I would not normally recommend consuming 50 grams of carbohydrate from fruit in one sitting. For these reasons, I am going to list the carbohydrate servings of fruit in servings that contain 20 to 25 grams of carbohydrate.

Again, if you use your head a bit, you’ll realize that you could eat a piece of fruit and one of the starchy carbohydrate servings above to satisfy a carbohydrate requirement of 70 to 75 grams per meal. If you’re paranoid about fructose, keep in mind that fruit is packed with a host of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, and good oily fiber. As a friend of mine says: “Just eat the damn fruit!”

20 to 25 grams of carbohydrates from fruits

Banana: 1 medium

Orange: 1 wide

Apple: 1 medium to large

Pear: 1 medium

Kiwi: 2 medium to large

Melon: ½ medium or 1/3 large

Strawberry: 11 ounces (300 grams)


The exact amount of fat one needs to consume is as debatable as whether global warming is real or political propaganda. Eating too much fat can, oddly enough, make you fat, even more so if you consume an excess of trans and/or saturated fats, or if your insulin levels are high. Too little fat will wreak havoc on testosterone levels, unless of course it is “supplemented” with testosterone. Even in a ‘highly anabolic’ athlete, an adequate amount of dietary fat will facilitate muscle growth in several ways. Is; however, it is fairly well accepted that as carbohydrate intake decreases, dietary fat can (and usually should) increase somewhat.

In my opinion, the one thing that is pretty definitive about fat intake is that it is beneficial to consume between six and nine grams of fish oil per day. (Opt for a product that has enough – 30% or more – DHA and EPA). If not, try just mixing your fat sources so that you’re getting about 1/3 monounsaturated, 1/3 polyunsaturated, and 1/3 saturated.

As far as guidelines for how much fat to consume, I think around 0.3 to 0.5 grams per pound of lean body weight is a good starting point. So if you weigh 200 pounds, have 20% body fat, then your lean body weight is 160 pounds. Therefore, you should consume approximately 48 to 80 grams of fat per day. If you’re eating more carbs, I’d lean toward the lower end of these guidelines and vice versa. Below I list fat samples that contain 15 grams each. Just adjust portions as needed.

15 grams of fat:

Oil (olive or flax): 1 tablespoon

Olives: 5 ounces (140 grams) ripe (black) canned / 3.5 ounces (100 grams) green canned

Nuts: 1 ounce (28 grams)

Eggs: 3 whole eggs (also contains 15 grams of protein)

Avocado: 3 ½ ounces (100 grams) – all varieties except Florida / 5 ¼ ounces (150 grams) – Florida variety

Salmon: 5 ounces (150 grams) – raw (also contains 30 grams of protein) / 4 ounces (120 grams) – cooked (also contains 30 grams of protein)

Fish oil: 15 capsules. Ideally, however, you should not consume so much fish oil in one meal.


I consider most vegetables to be “free foods”. No, that doesn’t mean they don’t cost anything; means that I consider them free of substantial caloric value. You could, and should, consume some vegetables with every meal, with the exception of workout and/or post-workout shakes. I personally don’t like consuming them immediately before a workout either, as they contribute to a feeling of satiety, usually a good thing, but not before a workout if you ask me. Here is a partial list of vegetables that can be considered free.

“Free” vegetables:

Lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, yellow squash (not butternut), celery, beets, mushrooms, onions, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, radishes, green beans, bell peppers, asparagus

Carrots and tomatoes can be considered free if you don’t eat more than one large per meal. Any more than that and your carbs can start to add up to a significant amount.


You will no doubt have noticed that the above nutritional values ​​represent only a small portion of the various types of food one might consume. However, don’t overcomplicate things by losing sight of the fact that these foods should form the backbone of every eating plan. In fact, you could achieve even the highest level of performance possible without eating anything not on this list, excluding supplements. Most people who have physiques you’d really covet eat these foods day after day. The only thing that really varies is the amounts of each. If eating these foods day after day sounds boring, now you know why not many people actually have amazing bodies.

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