Home Kitchen

decorate a kitchen

Decorating a kitchen can be fun but overwhelming when you’re trying to find the best place to start. The kitchen is a place where you and your family spend a lot of time, so you want it to be attractive yet functional.

The best starting point for decorating a kitchen is with a plan for the color scheme you want or the particular theme you want. Looking at home improvement magazines can give you some good ideas about what colors work well in the kitchen, as can visiting show houses or viewing home improvement shows.

You may have a favorite color that you love to be surrounded by, so it may be the right choice for you. When decorating a kitchen, it’s worth spending some time determining kitchen colors because this basically sets the tone for the room.

Kitchen ceilings always look good painted a rich white, regardless of the rest of the kitchen color scheme, as it opens up the room.

For the walls, you can paint them the color of your choice, or if there is enough space above the kitchen cabinets, you can put a border along the top of the wall. These look good if you’re incorporating a particular theme into your kitchen, as you can get borders that represent a variety of patterns and colors that can complement your theme.

For your windows, you have many options to choose from. It’s good to get a lot of natural light into the kitchen, so you may want to choose sheer drapery materials with perhaps a blind behind for privacy at night.

When decorating a kitchen, a valance always looks good on top of the kitchen window and can really enhance the theme you have throughout the kitchen in the fabric prints, colors or patterns you choose for the valance.

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