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Diet Treatments for Kidney Stones by Reducing Calcium Intake

Dietary treatment for kidney stones.

Kidney stones occur when urine is saturated with waste products that can crystallize into stones or when chemicals that normally inhibit this crystallization process are absent. The most common type of stone contains calcium with phosphate or oxalate. Some kidney stones contain uric acid and are more common in people with gout.

The goal of nutritional treatment is to eliminate diet-related risk factors for stone formation and prevent further growth of existing kidney stones.

The importance of fluids

First and foremost, a regular intake of plenty of fluids is essential for people with stones. This will dilute the urine, thereby reducing the concentration of stone-forming substances in the urine. It is also very important to drink plenty of extra fluids in hot weather and when on vacation in hot weather. Water is the best option to maintain fluid levels.

On the other hand, a moderate intake of alcohol, coffee and tea can help reduce the risk of kidney stone formation, presumably due to the diuretic effect of the caffeine in these drinks. A daily intake of 3-3.5 liters (approximately 5-6 pints) of fluids is recommended.

Maintain calcium intake

Most calcium stones are not, in fact, attributable to a diet rich in calcium-rich foods. It is important to maintain a moderate calcium intake if you suffer from kidney stones. This is because a low intake can promote the formation of calcium oxalate stones. A calcium intake of approximately 600-800 mg per day is recommended for people with kidney stones.

Eliminate foods high in oxalate

A reduction in the dietary intake of foods containing high levels of oxalate is important for susceptible people, as this is an important factor in the formation of calcium oxalate stones. People at risk for kidney stones should also avoid vitamin C supplements, as this vitamin can be broken down into oxalate, which is excreted in the kidney.

Restrict animal protein

A high intake of animal protein is acidic and increases urinary calcium excretion. Furthermore, the binding effect of sulfate on dietary proteins decreases the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended that people with kidney stones limit their intake of animal protein from meat, fish, poultry and eggs to 60-70 g per day.

Reduce sodium intake

A high sodium intake increases calcium excretion, which can lead to an increase in calcium-containing crystals in the urine. Therefore, a reduction in foods high in sodium is recommended, with an intake of no more than 2-4 g per day.

Foods high in sodium include most canned, processed, and packaged foods. Check the labels, any food that has a sodium content greater than 400 mg per serving is considered high in sodium.

Complex carbohydrates

It is also recommended that people with kidney stones reduce their intake of simple sugars and products made from refined flour (such as white bread, cakes and cookies), in favor of whole foods, such as whole grain breads and pastas and toast. rice, which are rich in complex carbohydrates, in addition to eating more fruits and vegetables.

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