Digital Marketing

Do you have content?

Succeeding online, whether you’re looking for money or fans, depends on the content. Keyword-rich content attracts new readers, and fresh new ideas help preserve the ones you already have. You can tell that the readers you already have are not as valuable as first time readers because they don’t click on the ads. They have another purpose and that is to spread the word. Your content must be so useful and wise that it must come to depend on you. Once they do, they’ll find themselves coming back just to check if you have any tasty new tips and may end up adding a link to your site. If your content is really good, they might even recommend other bloggers to help.

There is a downside:

It takes TIME to create good original content. It takes time to write it down and “brainstorm.” Frankly, if you’re struggling with ideas to write about, you’re not spending enough time online taking in other readers’ ideas. It is very important to “stay in the game” and not limit yourself to your current knowledge. You must constantly learn and get closer to becoming an expert in your niche.

Content is also the only thing on a blog that can bring satisfaction to its creator. This is not because it is the most important way to drive traffic to your blog, but because after completing a post you get (well, I do) a sense of accomplishment, which I find encouraging. It’s often just what I need to get my butt going and do some SEO. It’s very easy to get into the habit of posting less and less until you give up, which has led to the grayish ending of many nerds.

Posting new content regularly is a must in the eyes of search engines. As I wrote in my previous posts on SEO (search engine optimization), Google doesn’t like “dead” sites. This is one of the great advantages that blogs have over websites, which can and MUST be updated at least once a week. Once a day for visible progress and more than once a day is even better. Search engine spiders crawl through your site picking up the new post and its tags, adding it to their database.

So remember, as you continue to develop your knowledge, you will have something to write about. Feel free to use my incredible knowledge: p to grow your blog.

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