
Do you know the magic number to win at sports betting?

If you have been involved with sports betting for several years or are just starting out, I am sure you have seen companies advertising their selection services in the local newspaper, online or even on television. Many of these ads offer guaranteed games or claim win rates of 80% or more. If you see these kinds of services, it should run in my personal opinion. I don’t care what they say, nobody wins between 80% and 90% of their games.

Does that mean you can’t make money from sports betting? In short, the answer is No, it is definitely possible to make substantial profits from sports betting, but it must be realistic. If you have the proper discipline, manage your bankroll, and follow a winning sports betting system, creating a substantial passive income from sports betting can be a reality. Knowing the magic # is the key.

So what is magic #? The answer is 52.4%. If we use the most popular sports to bet on, such as the NFL and the NBA, a normal bet would be to bet against the spread with odds of 11/10, which means that you would have to bet $ 110 to recover $ 100. What this means is that you would only have to win 52.4% of your bets to break even. Although earning 55% doesn’t sound all that exciting, you can experience some really substantial returns every month.

Let’s use a 55% win rate and bet on 2 games each day for this example. Here’s what the results would look like after a month:

Win rate 55%

# of bets 60 games (2 per day X 30 days)

# Wins 33

# Losses 27

Minus 10% Vig * 2.7

Total wins: 3.3

* Vig is the% that online sports betting houses save for accepting your bets. Generally 10%

So what does this mean? Well, with these numbers, a $ 100 bettor would have a profit of $ 330 after the month and a $ 1,000 bettor would raise $ 3,300. Not bad for a few minutes of work each day, but let’s see what this means in percentage of ROI (return on investment).

What I personally use and recommend is that if you are going to place flat bets or place a bet of the same size on each game, you should not use more than 5% of your total bankroll. So if you have a total of $ 1,000 then you should bet $ 50 per game. By keeping the same numbers as the +3.3 games example above, this would actually be a profit of $ 165 and a return of 16.5% on your money in just 1 month. Supplementing that for a total of 12 months translates to a return on your money of over 600 percent. I don’t know about you, but these are incredible returns. Compare this to other investments like the stock market or the bank and you will clearly see that sports betting is a viable option even with a conservative example. Now imagine a win rate of 56% or even 60%.

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