Legal Law

Drug Dealers Using Hybrid Cars Now: Smuggling Internal Batteries

Who says drug dealers don’t care about the environment? Well that’s kind of a joke, and let me tell you why. It turns out that car batteries have become a popular place to store illegal drugs trying to cross the border and travel across the country. Consider if you can how many batteries are in a hybrid because these days, and each of these batteries has multiple cells that can be filled with contraband. No, I am not going to reveal any secrets to drug dealers, they already know this trick, because they have been using it more often these days.

Of course, now the authorities are after them, and I guess if you have a Toyota Prius they can stop you at the border while they check your batteries, or have the dogs sniff around. It’s amazing how incredibly innovative and creative these people are with their smuggling, can you imagine if they took that creativity and innovation and applied it to some new type of business in some high-tech industry? Imagine how much money they could make and what an incredible return on investment they could have with all the cash they’ve already generated.

Of course, they’re not just putting drugs inside batteries anymore, they’re driving these hybrid cars back across the border with cash trapped in those dry battery cells, money they’ve earned selling those drugs on this side. from the edge. Back to my joke; obviously the drug dealers do care about hybrid cars and alternative energy, because until now it has been a good cover to move their products and money. Those days are over because the Department of Homeland Security is on the scene keeping an eye on these things, and the border patrol also knows what’s going on.

Currently, things have been tough in the real battery industry, with a number of the Department of Energy’s large grants and loans failing to break out and produce the jobs expected from that economic stimulus. For example, A123 Systems Battery Company filed for bankruptcy, along with several others, and only two of the companies that received six of the DOE’s very large grants were able to meet their promises, commitments, or contracting obligations after accepting that money.

In fact, there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on this subject published on March 31, 2012 titled; Mike Ramsey’s “Car Battery Start-Ups Fizzle,” which is well worth a read.

Maybe the drug cartels can get into the hybrid car battery business and go legit, just kidding. In the end, they could make more money and also continue to help the alternative energy and hybrid car industry. Perhaps you yourself have a sense of humor and can see the irony in all this. Please think about it.

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