
Easy ways to earn Linden dollars for your Second Life

Let’s face it Linden dollars (L$) are very important to all Second Life residents. L$ is the life blood of your Second Life. Without L$, your Second Life experience might not be as enjoyable as you expect or want it to be.

When you start your new life in Second Life you do not receive L$. You start with nothing but this case only applies to those who signed up with a Basic Account. Those who signed up with a Premium Account will get a 1000L$ signup bonus, a 300L$ weekly stipend and the ability to buy and own Land, but it’s still not enough. As you move through your life in Second Life, you will soon discover that the weekly stipend of L$300 is not enough, and then you will realize that you need other ways to earn or even earn L$ to continue enjoying your new lifestyle. . in Second Life.

Well, the fastest way to get L$ in your account is to buy them from Linden Labs 1, but what if you don’t want to pay more because you are already a Premium member or you are a basic member with no means to buy from Linden Labs? Don’t worry, it’s not the end.

Easy ways to earn L$ for your Second Life

Get a job

One of the best ways to earn L$ is by getting a job. There are thousands of companies in Second Life. Examples are banks, clubs, brothels, stock exchanges, malls, and stores, but these are just a few of them. These businesses need labor to run and business owners are always looking to hire people with the necessary skills to fill various positions such as dancers, greeters, promoters, managers, security guards, escorts, writers, graphic artists, programmers, builders, etc. writers, texturizers. and many many more. If you have the skills, find the right job and apply. Remember, not all jobs pay with tips. There are many jobs that pay from L$500 to L$10,000 per hour but you have to find them and to help you find these jobs visit Second Life Jobs.

Second Life Jobs lists job openings from all over Second Life. It is updated daily and you do not need to register to see the available jobs.

To camp

There are many Second Life residents who don’t want to get a job for various reasons. Maybe they don’t like working for someone, maybe they don’t have time to do it, or maybe they’re just lazy, but whatever the reason, they can still earn L$ and that’s by camping.

There are different ways to camp, but the general idea is that you get paid to stay on someone’s land, which increases the traffic of that land. Camping fees dropped considerably after the gambling ban forced thousands of Second Life casinos to close, but there are still plenty of great camping spots like here and here.

Join a contest

The contests are great and it’s fun. Trivia, Best in Theme, Landscaping, Logo Making and Writing are just some of them. My favorite contest is Best in Theme and you can get an idea here.

Join panels or research groups

Research panels or groups conduct research studies through surveys and the results of these studies are used by companies in both Second Life and Real Life. The earning potential of these groups ranges from L$250 to L$10,000 per survey completed and bonuses are sometimes awarded depending on the survey.

* First Opinion Panel

* Benchmarks-Second Life

* Limited market truths

Complete Earn2Life Offers

At Earn2Life you earn money by completing free offers. These offers will be to register with various online companies. You should only register with those who really interest you. You will be paid L$20 – L$100 depending on the country you are from and your membership level for each offer you accept.

With Earn2Life, you can earn up to L$2,000 per day simply by completing offers, and the earning potential grows as your membership level increases. Visit Earn2Life to learn more.

Complete Surveys

Hippie Pay, MyLindens and Money Egg are the most popular forms of paid surveys in the world. You do not need to register to take a survey. All you have to do is find one of their ATMs, tap on it to get the survey link, complete the survey, and get paid afterwards.

The problem with this paid survey service is that not everyone can do it. They primarily serve US Second Life residents and a few non-US Second Life residents.

Explore The Grid with Hoppy Pay

This is quite a different way to earn L$. It is the opposite of camping. Instead of staying in one place, with Hoppy Pay, you get paid by hopping (teleporting or moving) from one place to another. Learn more about Hoppy Pay.

Join Slam-X and earn money for posting

Getting paid L$ to post is new to Second Life and Slam-X offers that to its members, but Slam-X isn’t just about getting paid to post. Getting paid to post is only a small part of what Slam-X really is. Visit Slam-X for more information.

Become a Creator

The biggest thing that attracted me to Second Life is the ability to create and build things in the world. I find it fascinating and intriguing, so for my first few weeks I did nothing but learn how to build objects in Second Life. I actually started 3 stars and a sun as a personal sandbox.

Good creators like builders, script writers, fashion designers, landscapers, texture and skin creators can always open a shop to sell their creations or they can offer their skills to other companies that need them.

Other ways to earn L$

There are other ways to earn L$ in Second Life, like starting a business, but that’s too complicated and time consuming. Another way and also an easy way to earn L$ is to become an Escort, but I wouldn’t suggest that way unless of course you really want to. A much easier way to earn L$ is by begging them, but I wouldn’t recommend that either. What I can suggest is that if you have a blog or a website, write about it. You will get linden dollars from referral links like for example First Opinions Panel pays 100L$ for every new member you refer. Another example is Slam-X which pays 50L$ per referral.

Earning or obtaining Linden dollars to finance your Second Life is not that difficult and with the ways mentioned above, I hope you will earn enough Linden dollars to fully enjoy your Second Life.

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