
Easy Weight Loss Methods: Successful Diet Plans for Women

Successful diet plans for women are often hard to find. Trends come and go, but weight loss and exercise are a lifestyle. With these weight loss methods, I have provided you with proven tools to help you with your weight loss goals and efforts. As a health and fitness professional, I have learned, especially with busy women, that a solid plan will make any weight loss and fitness goal easier to achieve. Follow these strategies and you’ll add to your successful health, diet and fitness plan.

Method No.1: Do regular cardiovascular exercise.

This idea may seem obvious, but regular aerobic exercise will help you accomplish your weight loss and fitness efforts quickly. To start, try to do 3 cardio sessions of 20 to 30 minutes each week. Walking, jogging, or using equipment; getting your heart rate up three times a week will help fire up your fat-burning furnace. To get started, find an activity you enjoy and try to tackle it with a concerted effort several days during the week. Stay mentally present and visualize your body, shedding unwanted weight and ugly fat, leaving behind a beautiful, new you.

Method #2: Get regular resistance training.

Once you’ve mastered cardio training and found a few different exercises that you enjoy and will implement each week, try adding resistance training to your workout. Resistance training is accomplished in just 2-3 weekly training sessions of 20 minutes each. What I love about resistance training is that it stimulates metabolism by building muscle and burning fat. Resistance training is also a gift that keeps on giving. Train once and reap the benefits of a boosted metabolism for two or more days. Here, aim to focus on the large muscle groups of the body, think arms, chest, shoulders, legs, back, abs, glutes. Use resistance bands, free weights, machines, or body resistance to stimulate each of these muscle groups on a weekly basis. Use videos or find an online or offline training program that suits you.

Method No.3: Be aware of your caloric intake.

Last but not least, good diet plans for women always include a solid nutritional program and portion control. If losing weight is your goal, 75 percent of your efforts should be put into your nutritional program. For starters, remember the main goal of weight loss: consume fewer calories than you burn. With that said, do a research project. Find out your ideal weight for your height, how many calories you need to maintain your weight now, then how many calories you need to lose one pound each week. One pound is the number that will hold you accountable for your weight loss.

Bonuses! Method No.4: Visit your doctor.

Before starting this or any other diet plan for women, make sure you visit your doctor and get medical clearance. If you haven’t had a physical in a while, do it. Make sure you get your basic blood work done, at least. Our bodies can tell us what’s going on inside by using our blood chemistry panel. It can often change your blood chemistry before symptoms show up. This idea is great news if you know your numbers, it can upset your chemistry and thwart a lot of problems before they arise.

In conclusion:

New and high-profile diets and complicated diet plans for women will give you all kinds of information about special eating programs and celebrity profiles. In the opinion of this health and fitness professional, weight loss, fitness, and overall health don’t have to be complicated. Follow the health and weight loss methods I’ve outlined here for you, and you’ll be well on your way to a total body makeover.

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