Lifestyle Fashion

Energetic Mojo Cleanser

Here’s my special “mojo cleaning ceremony” for your work and living spaces.

It is not based on the ancient secrets or rituals of any feng shui master, I cannot even remember the books I consulted at the time this occurred to me, but I will tell you the funny story that accompanies this cleansing ceremony and then what. I’ll analyze so you can show off a nice clean mojo too.

My best friend Julie was moving into a new house. She is a total real estate mogul and has the knack of finding these amazing spaces and making them even more amazing.

This new acquisition was a small single-family number in a promising neighborhood and Julie bought it from the family of an older woman who had recently passed away. The woman’s family lived in another state and did not completely remove all of her belongings from the new platform.

Julie was excited about her purchase, but she also felt a little “funny” about moving into this house right after the former owner or occupant … Uh … transitioned.

So I suggested to her that she invite some brides and that we have a ‘cleaning ceremony’, to rid the house of the leftover vibes of the previous owner and set the intention to spend many fabulous moments on her new platform.

I told Julie to write down her intentions for her new home. I told him to write about the general feelings he wanted to experience while living there and to set an intention for each room in the house.

We meet at Julie’s unfurnished bungalow around 7pm on a Thursday night. Six girls, a bottle (or two) of Chianti, and a packet of sage and incense sticks. We lit a few candles and lounged in a circle on the ancient but absolutely gorgeous hardwood floors while Julie made some last minute additions to her list of intentions.

As we drained the last drops of burgundy from our glasses and lit the sage and incense, Julie began to read her intention for the new home. She created a beautiful vision full of love, laughter, and rich experiences.

The second room we went into to “clean up” was the main room and as Julie read her intentions for this room, the merry band of blessing givers declared “and lots of sex!” We burst out laughing and as we headed into the kitchen to clean and bless that room, we just couldn’t resist adding “and lots of sex!” for that room too.

As fast as you can say Extreeeeeeme Home Makeover, we walked through Julie’s new house and declared that she would have a lot of sex in every square inch of her new abode.

I have no idea if our blessings and intentions brought a cornucopia of copulation for my friend Julie. I’ll have to ask him and talk to you again. But I will tell you that this cleaning ceremony is super fun and it will definitely rid you of bad or heavy vibes that you may be feeling in your home, office or life.

Mojo Energy Cleanse:

1. Write a general intention for the space you are cleaning. Include lots of specific feelings, be extremely descriptive, even add photos if you are a visual person.

2. Write an intention or vision for each individual room. For example, write a vision for your kitchen to be filled with laughter, friends and family, healthy and nutritious food. Set an intention for your office or workspace to be filled with bright ideas, clarity, abundance, and inspiration.

3. Get incense or wise candles. I’m not an expert on this, but sage is amazing for getting rid of any heavy or anxiety-inducing energy that haunts your life and work spaces. It has a strong smell that some people don’t like, so I have used incense as well. I think it’s really the fire and the smoke and the intention that does the work for you. Just be sure to shake it around the corners and ‘shake’ any energy that may be stuck.

4. Invite some friends and have a party. Did you really think I’d create some kind of ritual that didn’t include this? Engaging the “power of the mastermind” (2 or more gathered) doubles the effectiveness and doubles the fun!
Let me know how YOUR mojo cleanup is going and what your intentions are for your living and work spaces.

~ Have a fabulous week, Dahhhhlings ~

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