
Forgiveness can cure everything

Forgiveness is one of the fastest and safest ways to cultivate self-love. You don’t forgive others to get out of trouble. You forgive yourself and others in order to cleanse, heal, transmute, and dissolve the emotional wounds, traumas, damages that close your heart.

If you really want to create a more loving and supportive life for yourself, often the first step is that you must heal and open your heart and start living from it.

Just take financial problems as an example. When people experience financial problems, they often get anxious and worried and focus most of their mental energy on how bad things are and this only makes it worse. The way the Law of Attraction works is that everything you focus your mental energy on and your attention magnified by emotion multiplies.

So when you worry about money, you are focusing mental energy on scarcity and scarcity magnified by fear and anxiety. Then you magnetize even more energy of lack and lack of the Law of Attraction. So don’t worry, be happy. I really get it … Easier said than done! But true nonetheless!

That was just one example. Insert any problems, worries, or pain that may be consuming you. Because this is where you create perfect blocks in your energy and your Divine state of health just by holding on to the things that have hurt you. Forgive a little for your own greater good! Get back to perfect health of mind, body, and spirit simply by practicing forgiveness.

Here are some forgiveness techniques for you to try! See what works best for you.

Forgiveness Technique 1. Get into a meditative state of mind (calm, relaxed, and peaceful) and think about the person or situation that is bothering you. Visualize yourself as a glowing ball or pillar of light. Now ask the other person’s soul self to come forward. Explain your feelings and how that person has hurt you. Really sit with these feelings for a moment. Then start releasing these feelings while telling the other person that you forgive them. Now visualize your glowing ball of energy getting brighter.

Forgiveness technique number 2. This technique can also be used in different areas. If you are battling an illness, visualize it as energy and speak to it. You may even want to write a letter, but if you do, DO NOT mail it to the other person. This is just a technique for you within your own forgiveness. Let the other person do their own work if it means a lot to them.

Forgiveness technique number 3. Put yourself in a meditative state of mind and think about the person or situation you want to forgive. Think about how that person or event changed your life. How would your life have been different without that person or experience? What did you learn from that relationship or event?

After doing this, you will generally find that there were some benefits to the association. Always observe the ways in which you have grown by having the experience; as awkward as it was. Recognize this as a learning experience and thank the other person for that gift. Because really, if you’ve grown from that, it’s a gift.

Can’t you see a totally different world that we would live in, if we could all learn to heal ourselves through forgiveness? Also, sometimes you or your mind are to blame for your energy being blocked. Don’t forget to truly find the heart of problems and even forgive yourself! Because we ALL deserve a little forgiveness in our lives.

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