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Four blood moons: something is about to change

John Hagee was the author of the New York Times bestselling “Jerusalem Countdown” which, at the time of this writing, has sold over a million copies. He is a nondenominational evangelical pastor who stands in the pulpit every Sunday at Cornerstone Church filling his twenty thousand member church with the latest world news and how he relates to what God has in store. He is the founder and leader of John Hagee Ministries and national president of Christians United for Israel. His message reaches 249 countries through radio and television.

Latest contribution

Hagee’s latest contribution to Bible prophecy is called “Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change” and shows how history, science, and scripture align with each other, pointing to a coming time of great change in humanity. Earth.

Hagee puts into context the supernatural connection of the heavenly events noted with Bible prophecy. He relates the future of God’s chosen people and how it affects the other Gentile nations of the world.

Clear signs to appear

It makes it clear that, as in biblical times, God is the controlling factor of the sun, moon, and stars who will send a clear and focused signal to the final generation that something huge is about to happen. The real question is whether we will be attentive and listen to God’s message and be able to discern its meaning when these signs occur.

Four blood moons and eclipse

The title of his books speaks of coming signs in the skies in the spring and fall of 2014 and 2015 which coincidentally fall on the Jewish Holy Days which also have a total eclipse in the middle separating the four. The meaning of these signs is that they fall on holidays and each time they do they are linked to historical events in Israel, but what about the future?

Remain the chosen people of God

Nothing has changed in the Scriptures. Israel is still the apple of God’s eyes, still wanted and chosen by God to be his people. It remains the people of the promise, a promise that God has promised to fulfill forever. Each of the previous three series of Blood Moons when they fell on the holidays began with a stream of tears and ended with Israel triumphing. What does this bring then for the future? Israel’s security? How will they succeed? What obstacles stand in your way to peace and security?

Will the Change be the Great Rapture?

Hagee credits the fact that the change could be the rapture of the Church. The scriptures promise to bring all who believe in Christ to a safe place so that they miss the Great Tribulation. Hagee tells us the Lord of scripture tells us “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, the dead in Christ will rise first, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead in Christ will rise and then we who are alive and those who have left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Corinthians 15:51, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:17)


The chapters are divided into three sections.

Section one talks about the signs in the heavens, the star in the east, and how the warning comes before the judgment.

Section two informs us of the backbone of prophecy and when these things will be. The time of the rapture in the promised land and wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes and total anarchy is coming. It also mentions the gospel of the kingdom and the second coming of Christ.

Section three concludes with an account of the four blood moons in 1493-94, 1949-50, 1967-68, and how they affected Israel and the signs to come in 2014-2015, what this will mean for the world and especially for Israel. Israel.


This is an excellent book for any age who wants to know what the future holds according to God’s word. As you read and discern what follows, you will help the reader prepare for the rapture of the Church, prepare for the wars to come, and help you begin a plan to save your family from this. I give it a rating of five stars out of five. The text is written in such a way as to be the true authority on matters of signs in the sky. It will captivate you and you will want to read it in one sitting. It’s that good.

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