
Fuel economy tips to maximize your gas mileage

You probably already know many of the more familiar fuel economy tips. Many of the things you can do to get more mileage out of a tank of gas are just common sense measures. For example, it seems pretty obvious that if you drive slower, your car won’t burn as much gas as if you were running five miles over the speed limit all the time. But what else can you do to increase fuel efficiency?

By the way, it has been estimated that every five miles per hour faster than you really need to increase your costs to the tune of twenty cents per gallon. Sure, it’s not what any of us want to hear, but driving a little slower can also save lives.

Having your car tuned up properly and in top running condition is also a pretty obvious way to improve fuel efficiency. This is actually one of the most important fuel saving tips, because a poorly tuned engine can add up to 40 percent to your gas mileage. Here are some more things you can do.

Use your cruise control whenever appropriate. It has been found to increase gas mileage much more than you think. Also, don’t pack a lot of unnecessary stuff in your car, because extra weight uses more gas, and a little here and there adds up. So keep your car clean.

Think aerodynamics for really good gas mileage. For example, driving with the windows down increases gas mileage because it creates drag. So make things like a flag on the antenna or a luggage rack. Removing the tailgate on a truck can improve mileage by up to 30 percent.

And then there are the things you can do to simply use your car less. For example, you can walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation in many cases. Car sharing is another good idea to reduce gas costs for people who make the same trip often. Think about where you need to go and plan your trips efficiently, combining errands whenever possible.

When driving, car accessories use energy and can be used more sparingly. One of the most notorious gas burners is the air conditioner. It is more efficient not to use it, but if you have to open the windows due to the heat, you can also turn on the air conditioning, because it will use the extra gas anyway. The lights use more energy, as does the defroster. Use your accessories only enough to be safe and get the best economy.

Choosing the right type of vehicle is one of the best tips for saving fuel if it’s time to replace your car. Smaller cars almost always get better mileage than larger ones, unless they have powerful engines. Look for the smallest car that meets your needs, and especially look for a four-cylinder engine. It also helps mileage to use a car with a manual transmission instead of an automatic, so learn to drive a standard if you don’t already know how.

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