Lifestyle Fashion

Get taller in 1 month! How to gain 3 inches in height and be taller naturally

Do you think you are too old to grow 3 inches or more? You are NEVER too old to grow taller! There are many ways to gain 3 to 4 inches in height, but people just don’t know how. Here are the best ways to increase your height and grow taller!

1. Exercise!

The main topic of this article will be Human Growth Hormone or HGH. When you exercise, your body produces approximately 400 percent more HGH than when you’re resting. Do a weight lifting workout at least 3 times a week. Less than 3 times and your body will start getting rid of the HGH it has worked to produce and you will not gain height.

2. Sleep!

When you sleep, your body puts your HGH to work. The time you sleep is the time when your bones and muscles take their growth hormones. Another aspect of growing taller sleep is that when you sleep, your body naturally relaxes and allows your spine to lengthen and your back to adjust to the proper location.

3. Eat well!

I am not telling you to follow a specific diet, but food intake is very important for growth. You should eat foods that are very high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. These foods will promote bone growth and completely stop your spine from shrinking as you age.

4. Hang up!

This sounds stupid, but it has been proven to work. find a bar of some kind and just grab it and hang. As you hang, relax your back and hips. This will lengthen your back and align your spine correctly, resulting in a taller posture.

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