Lifestyle Fashion

Growing Orchids Isn’t As Difficult As You Think: A Beginner’s Manual

Many people want to grow orchids, but do not try, fearing that they will be too difficult to care for. The truth is that many orchids are not difficult to grow. It just takes patience and basic information about their care. Most people who dare to try orchid growing are quickly hooked and eventually end up with a collection of them. Visit an orchid show and talk to the people who sell them. They are valuable in helping you choose the right orchid to start with. There are orchid societies all over the world, so take a look. They all have annual shows, where you can find great deals on very beautiful orchid species. Here are some key things to remember when venturing into the colorful world of orchids.

Use the correct growing medium for the type of orchid you choose

There are different types of orchid media, as orchids do not grow in the ground like normal plants do. Most large home hardware stores today sell orchids and the bark mix in which they grow. The mix that is sold usually contains charcoal, sphagnum moss, bark, and other ingredients. Orchid roots must be exposed to air or the plant will die. This is why you need a mixture that has a coarse texture, to give the roots the air they need.

Buy the right pot to grow the orchid

There are wooden baskets sold in hardware stores to grow wonderful orchids. Cover the basket with sphagnum moss on the bottom (so the substrate doesn’t fall off), then use the bark mix inside. When buying an orchid plant, take it out of the mix it is currently growing in, because they are usually potted temporarily, with no air for their roots. However, its substrate has become stale and mushy. You want a fresh new bark mix to loosely encircle the roots so that they are anchored and still breathing.

Ceramic orchid pots are available, with holes on the sides and bottom. The more holes in each pot, the better it will be for your orchid. Whatever type of pot or basket you use, hang it or place it in a place where the roots will not rest in the water. When I live in a dry climate, I put my orchids on a pebble tray, filled with water, so that the orchid can absorb the water but not get puddled. The roots should not touch the water, so if you want, place a saucer under the pot to prevent it from getting wet. When watering, be sure to drain the saucer underneath afterwards.

General care

Feed the orchid a weak orchid food every two weeks. Do not feed large amounts of plant food, or the leaves may burn. “Orchids react slowly to chemicals and anything else. Don’t expect an instant reaction from them, most of the time there is none. All in your own time (bloom, look cheerful, look faded, etc.) they lightly will reward you for it with flowers, later.

When the flower stalk dies, the plant goes into “sleep” mode, so don’t think it is dead. Some people throw it away, thinking that it has given up. You are actually taking a break and regenerating. Leaf production usually increases for a while, then another stem appears on its own schedule. Depending on the type of orchid you choose, they may bloom intermittently or infrequently. A good starter orchid is called Phalaenopsis, or the “moth orchid.” You will see them everywhere in stores, their round flowers grow on long, thin stems. They come in colors like pink, white, or yellow. If the flowers are not touched or disturbed, they can last for months. Some of my Phals have had the same flowers for 6 months each! They do well in low light situations than many other types of orchids. Speaking of light, don’t put an orchid in full sun or it will most likely burn (large brown spots may appear on its leaves). Filtered light is better, most of the time. When you choose a place for the plant and it is happy, do not move it. Orchids hate being moved. It can affect their bloom if you do so, so make them happy and leave them where they are.

With a little time and love, your orchids will thrive. Give them time and read about them. Many good basic books on orchid growing are available. In time, it will come back for another plant and then another. My orchids live on my balcony and grow like weeds. They don’t need a lot of care, since the place where I live is humid and I live in a lake. Go ahead and try the orchids. Have fun and enjoy its exotic beauty.

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