Lifestyle Fashion

Hormonal acne treatment for very clear skin

Hormonal factors are one of the reasons why acne develops especially in women. According to doctors, acne is the result of hormonal balance and this is what women experience the most even when they are pregnant. These groups of hormones are called androgens, and they are the same hormones that are activated during adolescence, which explains why most adolescents experience acne during this time in their lives. It can happen in a girl’s first period or when a boy first feels aroused. This is something you can never avoid developing, however there are potential hormonal acne treatments to undergo.

However, for most women, acne skin problem is usually triggered and caused by hormonal imbalance. Therefore, women who are susceptible to what is also known as hormonal imbalance condition of acne do not necessarily have excessively oily skin which may be the reason for acne breakouts, but the reason they develop acne is due to to an inherent internal cause.

How does hormonal imbalance in acne turn out? According to some studies, acne has been shown to be associated with fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When various hormones are released, the body often responds to blood sugar with a hit like insulin, IGF-1, and certain androgens. All of these hormones have something in common and they will all cause acne.

Since hormones and acne have been linked, many hormonal acne treatments were developed to treat this skin problem. Some hormonal acne treatments may include:

• Oral medications or oral contraceptives: These hormonal acne treatments contain progestin and estrogen to replace androgens. The result is that the body will produce less fat. This hormonal acne medication is specifically designed for women who don’t want to have a baby yet. Dianne 35 or Yasmin are some of them.

• Anti-androgens are another type of hormonal treatment for acne, which controls the production of the androgen hormone in the body, as well as oil. Using anti-androgens will soften the skin and stop being very oily, reducing the chances of clogging the pores that cause acne.

• Natural treatments: hormonal acne can be best treated with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It is advisable to reduce the intake of foods rich in fats and sugars since they are triggers that produce acne. Eat foods with fiber and drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins from the body that can also cause breakouts.

Hormonal acne treatments can work effectively, but they also have significant side effects. Women who take hormonal acne medications can achieve great-looking skin, but they can also experience negative effects. These side effects can include excessive weight gain, changes in libido (you may have a feeling of increased or decreased libido), mood swings, uncontrolled eating.

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