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How the Keysi fighting method uses the kick field

With origins dating back to the Spanish gypsies in the 1950s, the Keysi fighting method is, however, a relatively new form of self-defense. This fighting style was popularized by being used in a couple of major Hollywood productions, which means it has drawn some detractors.

Any measure of controversy aside, however, the countless people who use the Keysi Fighting Method will only tell you good things. This fighting style takes a holistic approach to training an individual so that he can defend himself and counterattack in a variety of situations. Those who embrace Keysi’s teachings will find themselves immersed in a profound education.

Keysi benefits by requiring the student to address many forms of self-defense at once. One of them will cover the shooting range, which is one of the most important combat fields that can be found anywhere in the world.

History and background

Kicking range refers to the unarmed combat position with the greatest distance. You will find that most fighting styles and ideologies include this range in their teachings. However, because the Keysi Fighting Method addresses all seven combat ranges in equal amounts, the kick range component will feel considerably different. It’s not the main focus with Keysi, but the same can be said for the seven combat ranges that are addressed.

With the Keysi fighting method, you will study the potential of the kicking range that exists with a wide variety of self defense scenarios. The Keysi method works to ensure that this important potential range is appreciated in all fighting situations. However, you are also expected to consider the various attack and defense possibilities that exist with the other six combat ranks. This is why so many people find the Keysi fighting method so effective.

The kicking field is something that many people look forward to. It drives their decision-making process as they look to find a fighting style that works for them. The history of the Keysi Fighting Method dates back to the 1950s. This history includes a strong but egalitarian approach to the potential of the kicking field.

The bottom line

Those wishing to explore the potential that exists within the shooting range would do well to consider the Keysi fighting method. Various opinions on fighting method aside, it will give you a complete education on what kick range really means in a fight.

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