Health Fitness

How to diet fast for a wedding or a class reunion

Wanted to be camera ready in a short period of time and needed to lose that weight fast? I can give you some tips that always work for me, as well as tell you about the $100 diet: how naughty pin up girls stay slim.

Now, in order to lose weight quickly and easily for a photo shoot or a special event that you may have, you must do the following:

1. Cut out sugar, most carbs, and anything that isn’t made from scratch. Many of the things that people consume on a daily basis are prepared, and prepared generally means preservatives and starches. This is a big no-no. make your own salad and salad dressing, make your own chicken and vegetables for dinner, make your own breakfasts. And do it all from scratch. Not only will it taste better, but your body will drop water weight just by cutting out items like sugar and carbs.

2. Exercise every day of the week, except the day before and the day of the event. Your body automatically swells a bit with exercise and this will make you look even smaller on the day of the event if you don’t exercise. Strange but true.

3. Stay away from alcohol AT LEAST four days before the event. However, if you must have one, take a shot of vodka and mix it with sparkling water with a twist of lemon or lime. Not only is it refreshing, but it’s low carb, which I quite like.

4. Stop watching TV. If you really must, you’d better get some kind of exercise. Studies have shown that overweight people watch more TV than non-watchers (or at least watch very little).

5. Eat your breakfast. People who eat breakfast rev up their metabolism throughout the day and therefore burn more fat and calories faster.

6. Control your portions. Eat your snacks and meals on small plates, thus reducing the desire to eat the whole bag.

Trust me, you’ll be so excited when you lose weight fast, you’ll want to keep it off! There is an easier way to diet. Change your diet and lifestyle. Become a crafty new you with delicious recipes and more in my book “The $100 Diet: How Naughty Pin Up Girls Stay Slim.” Trust me, it works, it’s healthier, and it’s getting more stylish. And the recipes will keep you coming back for more, too.

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