
How to Properly Enjoy Strange Meats

I’ve always had a penchant for the unusual, especially when it comes to food. I have no idea where it came from, but I take adventure food to a new level. In recent years, I have made it a personal goal to eat as many strange animals as possible. I pride myself on having eaten more strange animals than most people I know.

One of the problems I initially had when I started my quest to eat strange things was how to prepare them. Here are my 10 favorite unusual animals I’ve ever eaten and some tips on how to prepare them. Of course, some of the entries on the list may not seem foreign to some, but I bet the average American wouldn’t touch the delicacies on the list.

1. crocodile

Alligator actually tastes quite mild, like the dark meat of a chicken. Think of it like poultry but with more weight. Alligator meat is pretty hard to come by, but if you get your hands on it, try it in an etouffee recipe.

2. Wild Board

While they are related to pork, they don’t taste the same. Wild boar tastes like a cross between pork and beef. Wild boar works well in any recipe where you want more weight than pork can provide. The first time I tried wild boar it was in the form of jerky.


To be honest, the shark is pretty bland. I thought it tasted like swordfish or some other soft white fish. However, among the meats on this list, shark is one of the easiest meats to come by. I see it from time to time in my local supermarket. Prepare the shark as you would any white fish. I personally enjoy the grilled shark.

4. eel

Well, if any of you eat sushi, chances are you had eel. Eel, or unagi as it’s known in Japanese, is a fairly common sushi topping and one of my personal favorites. I always thought that eel had a distinctly smoky flavor that went really well with the saltiness of the soy sauce.

5. kangaroo

While some may have trouble eating Roo’s cousin, kangaroo is hands down the most delicious cut of meat I’ve ever eaten. Seriously, it’s so good. For a red meat, it’s lean and tender with a hint of natural sweetness. I had no trouble finding some when I was in Australia, but it might be a bit difficult to get them in the US. If you find any, buy it immediately.

6. bison

Increasingly, bison is getting easier to obtain, but it’s still delicious. You may have to go to a specialty butcher to find it, but its lean, rich, meaty flavor is worth it. The bison with cumin is delicious.

7. cricket

The cricket, surprisingly, is delicious. Not very meaty, tastes like a cross between a peanut and a potato chip, crunchy, flaky and salty. The only time I had cricket was in my eighth grade Spanish class. My teacher brought fried crickets and I was one of the only ones brave enough to try them. Scare your friends and family by putting crickets in chocolate chip cookies.

8. ostrich

I thought it tasted almost exactly like beef. Ostrich, although it is a bird, tastes like red meat, but it is actually much leaner than beef. If you love beef and the taste of burgers, but are concerned about fat and cholesterol intake, then ostrich is the perfect choice. Take the beef out of the classic recipe and make Ostrich Bourguignon instead.

9. Frog

Yes, it really does taste like chicken, in fact almost exactly the same. Frogs, as you might imagine, aren’t terribly meaty and you can really only eat the legs. I find frog legs to be a perfect substitute for chicken wings.

10. camel

Of all the supposedly weird meats I’ve ever eaten, camel is the most disappointing. It tastes exactly like a cheap steak, only with a funky, almost bitter aftertaste. My camel steak was not a pleasant dining experience. If you must taste it, at least top it with your favorite marinade.

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