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How to remove wax from surfboards

You will need: a surfboard, a wax comb, sun or maybe a hair dryer, glass cleaner, a piece of cloth (old underwear), plus some good surf music.

Wax work can get very messy as well as smooth. Anytime it looks pretty grotesque, slippery, cracks to pieces with no obvious factor, or even smells like a gorilla’s armpits, it’s really time you tossed it all out and started applying a new, advantageous, environmentally friendly wax. environmentally friendly that smells good on your table (but don’t eat it). There is no worse scenario than sitting on the beach and enjoying perfect waves and you just know that you are likely to amuse your fellow surfers with amazing outings.

First of all, make sure you don’t remove the surfboard wax at the beach. Traditional surf wax is full of toxic stuff. Even if you are using eco-friendly wax, it does not mean that the wax is really a natural part that belongs to the beach. And besides, you better not get rid of the existing wax on your mother-in-law’s finest rug. Stay out of trouble. Wax sticks for surfing! It’s best to do the job where sticky surf wax isn’t much of an issue.

Removing wax is much easier than it seems.

Start by putting the board in the sun for about 20 minutes, or do it again with your sister’s hair dryer (don’t burn the precious board). You want the wax to start out somewhat softer for less messy removal. When the wax is significantly softer, you will begin to remove it. For this task you can use a special wax comb (it’s very cheap), your old bank card or just a plastic paint scraper. Do not use anything metal at all like a knife or anything like that.

The process is very simple. In case your board has removable fins, remove them first. Lay the board on a sturdy table or bench with a folded towel or blanket underneath. If you don’t have a good place to put the board, put it on your lap. It is essential that you do not place it directly on the ground. This can damage the glazing and break the fins when you put pressure on the dash (especially when you go to wax the dash).

Start at the top of the board and finish the job by scraping off the wax with the wax comb holding it at a 30-35 degree angled position and continue from one rail to the other in one smooth motion, putting in enough power to strip through. of the lower layer. Continue all the way to the back. Basically, the wax rolls out in thin layers. Collect the bad wax and dispose of it in a can.

Once you’ve removed most of the wax, you can optionally work with a soft cloth (an old big boy’s pants come in handy now) and a bit of soap and water or methylated spirits to get rid of the residue on your board. There is also a special surf wax remover to buy at the surf shop if you prefer. Wax remover is excellent for cleaning wax from a dent intended for restoration and for putting an adhesive surfboard grip on the deck. Alright, now you’re ready to wax.

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