
Improve Gas Mileage With These Relatively Inexpensive Auto Parts

The efficiency of your vehicle can have a significant effect on your monthly budget. There are many ways to improve overall use. Savvy DIY owners can replace specific car parts to increase mileage. Even if you don’t know how to replace car parts yourself, you can have a mechanic do this for you.

Mass air flow sensor

The mass air flow sensor calculates the air flow as it enters the engine. From this point, the sensor passes this information to the engine’s computer. The engine computer is responsible for regulating fuel injection, transmission shifting, and ignition system functions. A clogged mass air flow sensor will cause the engine computer to receive inaccurate information, which could negatively affect fuel economy.


Spark plugs have the function of igniting a mixture of air and fuel in the combustion chamber of the engine. Worn spark plugs will not produce effective ignition. Replacing the spark plugs and keeping them clean will provide cleaner and more efficient engine operation.

Air filter

Replacing this filter can be one of the simplest, yet most effective, ways to improve your gas mileage. A dirty and clogged filter will not move air effectively. Restricted flow to the motor will affect efficiency because the more clean air the motor gets, the better it performs. As you explore these auto parts, choose a filter made of cloth rather than paper. You can clean filters made of cloth, so they are reusable. In fact, some of them will even last as long as your car lasts.

Fuel filter

The fuel filter has the function of moving the gas to the fuel injectors. A clogged fuel filter will start to move gas less efficiently, which could lead to increased gas consumption to produce the necessary energy. Automobile manufacturers recommend a specific program to replace this filter. Follow this recommendation to ensure you maintain the best efficiency of your car.


Tires are an integral component of handling and traction. If you allow your tires to wear out, under-deflate, or go out of alignment, you may notice a decrease in economy. Tires naturally go flat as you drive, so check them once a month to maintain the correct pressure. When you check the tires, look for signs of wear. When replacing tires, choose the narrowest possible tires to reduce aerodynamic drag. Installing low rolling resistance tires can also improve economy slightly.

Fuel injection components

Fuel-injected cars have sensors and systems that must remain in good condition to ensure the best gas mileage. Have a mechanic check the oxygen sensors, evaporative emission control systems, and engine emissions system. Faulty sensors and components could result in a decrease in gas mileage of 20 percent or more.

Many auto parts are inexpensive, but they can produce significant improvements in gas mileage when you replace them. Scheduling regular vehicle adjustments can help ensure that all of the car’s components are working properly for the best efficiency.

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