
Maintain the quality of work output

Efficiency at work is not just a matter of meeting quotas or completing tasks on time. More importantly, it’s also about delivering high-quality work. Job results that are erroneous, inaccurate, or substandard are virtually useless. Either you need to polish them further or reject them altogether and start over. Consequently, a significant amount of time, effort and other resources will be wasted.

Quality vs. amount

Regardless of the type of work, there appears to be an inverse correlation between quality and quantity. Given the same level of skills, labor, facilities, and other resources, the quality of work results tends to decline as the quantity increases beyond a certain range. Therefore, there is an optimal level of productivity that can be achieved for specific individuals and entities.

The basic reason behind the negative correlation is so simple that it is very obvious. A lighter workload means that individual workers or organizations can focus more on the tasks at hand. They can afford to be meticulous and review the quality of the work.

Upper limits

Each individual worker has an upper limit on the amount of work they can do without sacrificing quality. For example, a chef can only prepare specific sets of gourmet meals at a time. As menus become complex and increase in quantity, there is a tendency to forget some ingredients, overcook or undercook the dish, and contaminate food. This would be the case of a cook who spoils the broths because there are simply too many variations of the broths that the cook can prepare.

Say no

Individual workers should avoid accepting workloads that are too much to handle. Otherwise, the results will end up below quality standards. There is also a tendency for arrears to accumulate and become unmanageable.

Fees must be reasonable and negotiable. Saying no to additional workloads is beneficial to both the worker and the quality of the work. For one thing, a worker will not be overloaded or overloaded. On the other hand, the quality of work output can be kept at a high level.


Manufacturing companies often have specialized departments commonly known as quality control departments. These departments are also known as quality assurance departments. As the name implies, a quality control department is tasked with verifying possible errors or defects in manufactured products.

Apart from the manufacturing sector, other commercial and professional sectors also have their corresponding quality control departments of some kind. For example, an accounting firm has an auditing department that verifies the accuracy of financial reports.

Quality control is not limited to the institutional or organizational level. Individual workers must also have their own quality control system. It’s just a matter of reviewing the job results before submitting it. Having a checklist of required standards or parameters can help. The case in question is a programmer who has to check for errors before compiling programs.

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