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Married and Celibate: 6 Ways to Liven Up Your Marriage

You have moved past the in-love stage of your marriage and find that most of your time is consumed by parenting, academic, and/or professional responsibilities, leaving you very little time for personal interests. As a result, each day becomes a grueling routine that leaves you unmotivated, discouraged, and uninterested in anything, especially romance. In a short time, his marriage has become a dead existence. But if done consistently, there are 6 ways to light the fire and spice up your marriage.


Communication is an integral part of any relationship, especially marriage. However, many find it difficult to communicate effectively due to various reasons. For example, there may be some unresolved issues, fear of rejection, or loss of confidence. Although these issues raise serious concerns, a lack of communication can make them worse. Neil and Samahria Kaufman, founders of the Option Institute, a nonprofit educational organization that focuses on self-improvement, conducted a survey and reported that the average lifespan of a domestic relationship is three years, and eighty-seven years. percent of the women who were surveyed ranked communication as a very important component in a relationship. Of this number, thirty-seven percent described their relationships as strained without any substantive reason as to why. Despite this, effective communication can be initiated in a way designed to heal even the most strained relationships.

1. Timing is everything. Avoid serious conversations during rest and leisure.
2. Avoid the “blame game.” Be honest and open about your relationship.
3. Listen emphatically. Don’t argue mentally.
4. Control your tone
5. Apologize when necessary
6. Pay attention to nonverbal cues (eg, eye roll, heavy breathing, etc.).

2. Change your scenery

Breaking the monotony and changing the scenery by visiting breathtaking and exotic locations fosters a sense of romance and adventure. It also gives couples uninterrupted time to reconnect while reducing stress. Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. and Professor of Psychology wrote an article in Psychology Today confirming the importance of vacations. One of the main benefits of vacations is its ability to break the cycle of stress. Ultimately, this is believed to help prevent chronic stress, which is often a contributing factor to low resistance to fighting infection.

3. Create intimate and romantic moments

Many people make this more complicated than it seems, but creating romantic moments can be quite simple. For example, this might include picnics, hikes, a visit to the mountains, or breakfast in bed. These moments should not be forced. Instead, they should be authentic, private, and designed to please your spouse.

4. Sexual Healing

The power of touch is amazing! Intimate contact strengthens and solidifies a relationship. Not only that, it has some wonderful health benefits. WebMD reports that people who have sex regularly have higher levels of what their body defends against germs and viruses. According to Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, and sex expert, sexually active people have fewer sick days. Other benefits include lower blood pressure, balanced estrogen and testosterone levels, and a lower chance of heart disease. Sex is not only healthy, but it fosters a deeper emotional connection.

5. Get interested

What better way is there to rekindle the romance than to reconnect with your spouse? Often, relationships become stagnant because one or both parties do not show concern for the other. Showing genuine concern is a small act of kindness that produces positive results in any relationship. In fact, studies have shown that this factor can significantly change the course of a relationship and make it more successful. Conversely, couples who don’t care about their spouse risk breaking off communication that can create walls of mistrust and isolation.

6. Spend quality time

It’s hard to claim a healthy relationship if quality time is never spent. Quality time is defined differently for many, but the overall purpose should be to reaffirm and reconnect with your spouse. Spending quality is an intentional and consistent effort that must be made throughout the life of a relationship. Without it, a sense of purpose is lost.

There are several contributing factors that cause couples to sacrifice quality time, such as: lack of sleep, parental, professional and civic responsibilities, which can lead to dissatisfaction, as stated by Amy Marshall, contributing writer for http:/ / in southeastern Missouri. Also, this can significantly increase the chances of infidelity. Fortunately, there are fun and creative ways to spend quality time. For example, couples can plan a date night, cook together, or attend an event of shared interest. This sparks conversation while helping couples revisit activities they enjoy.

Marriage is more than a contractual agreement, it is a unique relationship that requires love, support, and maintenance. As demonstrated, a happy marriage can help couples maintain healthier and more fulfilling lives. Lack of attention and concern can negatively affect generations. Therefore, finding ways to rekindle the romance no longer becomes an option but a necessity for a healthy and lasting relationship.

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