
Oprah & Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth, Feeding the Body with Spiritual Energy and Overcoming Obesity

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth, answered a caller’s question from Beijing, China, about weight loss and body transformation.

Cathy from Beijing had lost 30 pounds in the past year and acknowledged that it was “spiritual work” for her beyond weight loss. In trying to explain it to her friends, Cathy found it difficult to adequately articulate her spiritual process without her friends looking at her as if she had a “mental illness” or was weird.

Oprah commented, “A friend and I were talking about this the other day about allowing yourself to feed off of the energy that’s already inside your body. I know what you’re talking about.”

Jesus himself had a situation where his disciples were hungry and they brought meat to Jesus saying, “Master, eat.” But Jesus said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” The perplexed disciples said to each other, “Has anyone given him something to eat?” Jesus upon hearing them replied: “My food is to do the will of the Father who sent me, and to finish his work” (John 4: 31-34).

Undoubtedly, once God has awakened your spirit and you are connected to the Creator, the “life-giving spirit” within will energize your mortal body (John 6:63). In fact, it was the Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead and imparts life to our physical bodies (Romans 8:11).

Thus, the discussion between Oprah, Cathy, and Eckhart was very insightful on how to feed off your internal energy before you eat prematurely and overeat.

Without a doubt, there is food within our own spirit that many rarely take advantage of to be too consumed and preoccupied with the body and the egoic mind.

However, when we cultivate internal spiritual energy to fuel the body, we can overcome obesity and avoid overeating. As we develop greater awareness, we will more easily listen and tap into our bodies before overindulging.

Eckhart wisely said: “Being in touch with the body helps a lot because the body knows what it needs. Overeating happens because it is part of the unconsciousness of the ego, which seeks to replace the feeling of vitality.”

Oprah totally agreed with Eckhart on that point and was sure of it in her own life. Cathy also agreed.

Before being known by the flesh, Christ was called “son of the Holy Spirit” by which he was conceived of the virgin Mary (see Matthew 1:18).

Considering that human beings are also triune by nature, which means we are spirit, have a mind, and live in a body, how much more nourished would we be both internally and externally, if we could simply reconnect with divine spiritual life. The inner life is much more nourishing and satisfying than the external substitutes that enlarge our bodies but leave us empty on the inside.

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