Digital Marketing

Premium email marketing tools for businesses

Email marketing is one of the ways to boost your business. Social media has become a platform to promote commerce, and email marketing helps in that. Email marketing can be used to improve your services and applications. “Email marketing uses the specific tools to send your promotional emails to a group of people.” It is one of the easiest ways to earn money. Marketers can send a targeted message to the intended group. The data about the customer’s needs, the products are and then the emails are sent to the specific customers. Via email, the company can promote their services, offers, and what’s new they have to offer. Transactional email, direct email, and mobile email are the ways email marketing is done.

This is the cost-effective way and it is cheaper compared to others. Target customers are easy to reach in a very short time and since they know the new things that companies have to offer them. Subscribers receive the latest news and offers from the advertiser.


There are several tools that help in marketing and make businesses an advantage in the market.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

CAMPAIGNS MONITORING it is a template creation tool and ensures that the email is easily readable on mobile so that the customer does not miss any email. Just like Google, Yahoo or any other email platform, it uses the same interface so things don’t get complicated. You can upload an HTML template and format and edit it as needed. The autoresponder can only establish, and data segmentation ensures, that the email is delivered only to the intended customers. Basic and Unlimited are the two packages offered by this tool.

VERTICAL RESPONSE helps to connect email campaigns to social sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. It helps to communicate with a large number of audience. With the help of the email creation wizard, you can create your advertising unit and, using freeform HTML, customize it to create your company list. You can use only text, no images, and other statistics are required. Up to 4,000 emails can be sent per month.

REFERENCE POINT The key feature is that it offers multiple templates for greetings, promotions, and many other events. You can use HTML AND CSS to give it a custom look. With the built-in spam filter, you can check your templates for objectionable material. They even have a community where you can provide your views and design. The packages are there and they start with 600 emails and go even higher.

CAMPAIGN tool has a lot to offer. It has more than 500 templates that are classified according to the types and needs of the industry. The contact management tool is one of the efficient features that it provides where you can import your contact from the list. Unsubscribed email is automatically deleted. In a way, this tool simplifies everything and gives more than marketing. You can give it a try with the 30-day free trial offer.

CHIMPANZE THOUSAND It allows you to carry out surveys and send them to people to know their opinion. Using survey techniques on social media makes the most of your advertising techniques. You have the option to customize your list and know who has received the mail or not and you will also understand which campaign has received the most clicks. It offers the free subscription for 2000 subscribers.

GET AN ANSWER This tool allows you to efficiently maintain your contact list. You can edit your contact list. This tool tracks and lets you know who subscribed, unsubscribed and clicked on links. It also gives you a report in the form of a pie chart and tells you about the mail that was delivered or not. Different packages are offered depending on the need.

MAIN PAGES helps you create interactive landing pages for your sites where you have a choice of 50 templates. They are in sync with the best email providers. Companies can make a mark in a very short time. There are various packages for customers. Lead pages can transform your business efficiently and quickly.

crazy mimi Save your time; you can clone your previous ad campaigns and make the changes according to your needs. Old drives can be used in some way and, if removed, can also be undone. Detailed features give you information on the number of emails opened, shared, and how many people clicked on the link. By integrating with Google Analytics, it provides statistics and click targeting.

CONSTANT CONTACT It offers you various templates and allows you to customize your own. It gives you the detailed report about the links and emails. Sharing on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn can boost your business and gives your site huge traffic.

ALL APPLICATIONS it is the best when it comes to functionality and features. It has a wide variety of templates to choose from. Integration with CRM gives you the details of each email, how they are being processed. Provides transparency and reports on emails that have been clicked, deleted, attachments viewed or not viewed. In short, it provides the details of each activity that is being performed. This helps you keep track of your business and changes can be made accordingly as it keeps you on top of every situation.

Email marketing is one of the efficient marketing techniques to promote your services. Effective marketing can bring you higher sales for the business. In this competitive era, the company must be in the outstanding methods to attract the audience and earn profit. Sending manual emails to a group of people is a complex and time-consuming task. To save time and get the desired result, email marketing can help you reach the heights. For any business to be successful, the market must be analyzed considering loss as well. It is not necessary that when adopting email marketing, you always get the positive result.

By proper study and audience knowledge, you can make your business prosper in the market. So opt for these services and let your business prosper in the market.

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