Lifestyle Fashion

Product Review – Athletic Body Care – Antimicrobial Foaming Skin Disinfectant for Face and Body

After my recent bout with MRSA, skin care and sanitation have become a primary concern for me, both before and after my training sessions. I became a bit of a fan of immediately cleaning and covering every little cut and scratch, and have tried various products for preventative maintenance and skin hygiene as a result. Finally, I was introduced to the Athletic Body Care product line and found the perfect product for my sports and skin care needs. In this review, I will first talk about my experience with the product, and then I will talk about the medical benefits and my doctors’ feedback on the product.

Like I said above, I tried a couple of different products before trying Athletic Body Care Foaming Skin Sanitizer. I’ve found that some of the products are alcohol based, so if you rub the product into your skin after you’ve cut yourself or burned yourself a bit, you experience an almost more painful sting as the alcohol soaks in. made with the original cut. (Note: it doesn’t take a painful sting to know a product is working) With some other products, which may not be alcohol-based, I found they were slimy after application or had some sort of fragrance associated with them. Now, no one wants to smell bad when they’re rolling around on the mat, but you also don’t want to smell like a bouquet of flowers.

With ABC Skin Sanitizer, I found the best of both worlds. The product is not alcohol based, so it does not cause painful stings. It also does not leave any slimy residue afterwards, nor any floral fragrance. It comes in a convenient 5 oz container. bottle, which you can easily store in your gym bag, and the top snaps on to make sure it doesn’t spill all over your gear. Since it foams when sprayed, it only takes 1-2 squirts to apply it to the open areas of the arms and legs after your training session. I have been using the product for about 3 weeks after all my training sessions, which is 5 days a week, and only about 20% of the bottle is gone, which means it should last a couple of months.

Now, let’s move on to the medical side of the product. The product is water based and the active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. Now, I’m not a chemist, but I did do some research and one of the uses for that chemical is as a biocide. A biocide is a chemical substance capable of killing living organisms. Don’t worry, using it won’t kill you, but it is enough to kill any bacteria, fungus, germ or infection on your skin. There is a page on the Athletic Body Care website that discusses various scientific trials and findings of the sanitizing product. Now, I am a big believer in checking the facts before you believe anything, which is why I took this product to my doctor who is treating my MRSA and is an infectious disease specialist. He fully recommended me to continue using this product for the prevention of MRSA or any other skin infection. Note: If you already have MRSA this product will not cure it, you should look for antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. However, it will prevent you from getting it again in the future.

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