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Reasons to convert VB to C#

Converting your company’s computers from VB to C# may seem like a daunting task. If you choose to rewrite your code, it will potentially cost your programmers thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to convert VB to C#. So why convert to C#? There is a faster way than rewriting, as well as many benefits of using C# over other programming languages. Converting from VB to C# can be done quite quickly with a code conversion engine. A code conversion engine can convert 50 lines per second, allowing quick and easy conversion from VB.Net to C#. In addition to the quick approach to conversion, there are several reasons why converting to C# is the smart choice.

• Microsoft uses C# for its internal development.

• C# code is faster than VB.Net code. VB.Net is the slowest, C# is the fastest, and C++ is even faster.

• C# allows you to define sections of “unsafe” code, where you can use pointers and directly access memory. This is required for low-level system access, performance, and tuning. There is nothing comparable in VB.Net.

• Conciseness and legibility of the code. C# follows the syntax tradition of C, C++, Java, while VB is more verbose.

• IDE Responsiveness: A large VB.Net project is difficult to work with in Visual Studio

• Improved code quality: C# catches many errors that are allowed in VB.Net, such as the use of variables before initialization and dead code. It also does not allow undeclared variables, untyped variables, and untyped methods that are allowed in VB.Net.

• C# is an ECMA-compliant language with a formal definition and a corresponding abundance of open source and third-party tools. VB is at the mercy of Microsoft to do what they want with it, and they do.

• You can use the open source Mono-An C# compiler for Unix.

• You can use the Eclipse development environment with C#. The Eclipse development environment is considered by many to be the best there is.

• You can use DotGNU – another open source C# compiler that supports many operating systems: GNU/Linux (on PC, Sparc, iPAQ, Sharp Zaurus, PlayStation 2, Xbox), BSD, Cygwin/Mingw32, Mac OS X, Solaris, and AIX .

C# was designed to be a simple, general-purpose programming language created because of the flaws found in the other major programming languages. C# applications are designed to be economical with respect to memory and processing power requirements. So it’s smart to convert VB to C# [] for an improved work system.

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