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Remodel your kitchen to improve your pantry space

A convenient, accessible and well-organized pantry can make a big difference in your quality of life. Good pantries keep countertops uncluttered and cabinets uncluttered. Not to mention all the time and frustration you’ll save if you don’t have to search for every item you need. Here are some considerations for upgrading your pantry when remodeling your kitchen:

small spaces: If your kitchen is too small for a normal pantry, here are some ideas when planning your renovation. A narrow set of slide-out shelves can fit between the cabinets. When you want something, you can slide it out and then put it back when you’re done. You can get models from floor to ceiling and others as tall as a closet. Some are only 9 inches wide but provide plenty of storage. Other space saving pantries are basically cabinets with storage inside the cabinet doors as well as on the shelves.

Layout of a pantry: There are many options for remodeling and creating a pantry. Kitchen panties range in size from as big as a room to as small as a cabinet. Wherever you put it, make sure the shelves aren’t too deep; this makes it difficult to find items in the back. In general, wider and shallower shelves make it easier to find things. If you have to work with deep shelves, make them easier to manage with pull-out baskets and slots. The ideal space for a pantry is cool and dark.

Organization of a pantry: Group similar items together. For example, designate one shelf for cereal, one for spices, one for cans, etc. Alternatively, you can gather all the baking supplies, all the coffee supplies, etc. You can use shelf dividers to keep different types of food separate. Put the tallest items in the back where they are easiest to find. Heavier items, like large soda bottles, can go on the floor. The organization makes it easy to find the item you need quickly.

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