
Review of recommended readings

Hello everybody. I’d like to get away from the usual advice on how to have a good day at Wrigley Field and instead talk about baseball as a whole. I never really understood the ins and outs of baseball until I started reading books that talked about the game. Whether that part of the game was mental, physical, or everything else. If I recommended a book to a normal person, I would think of many. Although, I will list just a few that I think will really help readers better understand all aspects of baseball that are not on television or in the newspapers.

Michael Lewis’s Moneyball book is my all-time favorite baseball book. It’s about the Oakland A baseball team and how it handles the MLB draft and how to find and sign players. It’s basically a book on how to explore and make a good baseball team. The book goes into all the details and talks about many players in the league today and how they were able to get selected and signed. It’s a great book to read if you want to know what goes on behind the scenes during the offseason. It also explains how the Athletics look at trade during the season and how they get what they want. It also leaves nothing out and lets fans know exactly what the top sleeve feels like. There are moments in the book when things are said that may not be the most pleasant. But that’s part of the business and being able to read that as a fan is something you won’t be able to experience in person because baseball officials only bring out the positives in their fans and always leave out the negatives.

Another great book I would recommend would be Derek Jeter’s biography of how he succeeded in baseball. I’m usually not a bio-reader person because they only talk about someone growing up and becoming successful and that’s it. Reading this book really helped me appreciate biographies a bit more because it was not a normal biography book. Derek Jeter is one of the most respected players in the game and is sure to be a member of the hall of fame. He does everything the right way and has never been put in a negative image. Every year, writers and analysts say that Jeter is becoming a worse defender and his rank is decreasing.

Although, in his book, Derek talks about how he was so criticized that he thought about walking away from the game when he was still a rookie. It’s not every day a star player says he wants to quit and is playing for the Yankees. The New York media is tough and not everyone can deal with it, although Derek goes into detail about how he handles it and what it takes to be a true winner. Also, when reading any book, one might think that it could not help to become a motivational tool. With Derek Jeter’s book that’s exactly what it is, a motivational tool. He had never read or heard of anyone working as hard as him to get on the show. Even in high school, this kid was training and practicing every hour and season of the day. This is a great motivational tool for someone who feels like they don’t have what it takes to be successful.

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